Moreover, CTCF and EGR1 were recruited to the Nm23-H1 promoter in MCF-7 cells and their expression correlated with Nm23-H1 levels. This study indicates that loss of Nm23-H1 in aggressive breast cancer is apparently caused by downregulation of CTCF and EGR1, which potentially drive Nm23-H1 expression to promote a less invasive phenotype.The cause of the high permeability in the flow of water in CNT (carbon nanotube)-based nanoscale materials remains to be elucidated. In this study, water impregnation simulations outside the VACNFs were performed using the molecular dynamics method to investigate the factors that cause high permeability by virtually changing the force field parameters. As a result, the permeability coefficient increased with increasing CNT content (VC) in the slip flow region. For the constant VC, the smaller the intermolecular force between water and CNTs, the higher the permeability coefficient. Because the intermolecular forces between water and CNTs are smaller than those between water and water, it may have an effect on the high permeability phenomenon. Furthermore, in the present VC change, the arrangement structure of the water molecules changed from a disordered structure, such as bulk flow, to a chain structure in the impregnation direction, which is also considered a factor for the increase in the permeability. Therefore, both the intermolecular forces between water and CNTs and structural change in the arrangement of water molecules were factors in the high permeability phenomenon.The scoring of the 7-item Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS) questionnaire is unusual because its scale varies with the same maximum and minimum scoring values and quantifies all aspects of OAB. The questionnaire also contains a graded response for urgency. The current study is mainly concerned with the development and validation of the OABSS questionnaire for Jordanian patients. The process of translating the English OABSS questionnaire into the Arabic language involved forward and backward translations. Afterward, a prospective study was conducted to validate the Arabic version of the OABSS questionnaire by examining 235 patients from the outpatient clinics of Karak Governorate Teaching Hospital. The Arabic OABSS questionnaire was completed by all the enrolled patients before and after three months of treatment with solifenacin 5 mg taken once daily. The study included 235 regular patients (152 females and 83 males) diagnosed with OAB in accordance with the definition of the International Continence Society (ICS). The results showed major and significant differences on all seven domains of the questions on the OABSS questionnaire before and after receiving treatment (p  less then  0.05). Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to measure the reliability and the questionnaire was found to be highly reliable for the construct variables. The findings derived from the current study would be beneficial for local urologists and researchers, as the Arabic version of the OABSS questionnaire was proven to be a reliable instrument for use in the assessment of OAB. Future studies are needed to compare different translated questionnaires relating to OAB.Trial registration number NCT04309890.The Calabrian Arc subduction-rollback system along the convergent Africa/Eurasia plate boundary is among the most active geological structures in the Mediterranean Sea. However, its seismogenic behaviour is largely unknown, mostly due to the lack of seismological observations. We studied low-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes recorded by the seismic network onshore, integrated by data from a seafloor observatory (NEMO-SN1), to compute a lithospheric velocity model for the western Ionian Sea, and relocate seismic events along major tectonic structures. Spatial changes in the depth distribution of earthquakes highlight a major lithospheric boundary constituted by the Ionian Fault, which separates two sectors where thickness of the seismogenic layer varies over 40 km. This regional tectonic boundary represents the eastern limit of a domain characterized by thinner lithosphere, arc-orthogonal extension, and transtensional tectonic deformation. Occurrence of a few thrust-type earthquakes in the accretionary wedge may suggest a locked subduction interface in a complex tectonic setting, which involves the interplay between arc-orthogonal extension and plate convergence. We finally note that distribution of earthquakes and associated extensional deformation in the Messina Straits region could be explained by right-lateral displacement along the Ionian Fault. This observation could shed new light on proposed mechanisms for the 1908 Messina earthquake.Lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation causes severe low back pain (LBP), which results in substantial financial and emotional strains. Despite the effectiveness of discectomy, there is no existing treatment for post-operative LBP induced by progressive IVD degeneration. Two key factors of LBP are intradiscal inflammation, indicated by tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and sensory nerve ingrowth into the inner layer of the annulus fibrosus, triggered by nerve growth factor/high-affinity tyrosine kinase A (TrkA) signalling. In an animal models of discectomy, the bioresorbable ultra-purified alginate (UPAL) gel with an extremely low-toxicity has been effective in acellular tissue repair. We aimed to investigate whether UPAL gel can alleviate LBP using a rat nucleus pulposus (NP) punch model and a rabbit NP aspirate model. In both models, we assessed TNF-α and IL-6 production and TrkA expression within the IVD by immunohistochemistry. Further, histological analysis and behavioural nociception assay were conducted in the rat model. UPAL gel implantation suppressed TNF-α and IL-6 production, downregulated TrkA expression, inhibited IVD degeneration, and reduced nociceptive behaviour. Our results suggest the potential of UPAL gel implantation as an innovative treatment for IVD herniation by reducing LBP and preventing IVD degeneration after discectomy.Diffuse low-grade gliomas (DLGGs) growing on the insular lobe induce contralesional hemispheric insular lobe compensation of damaged functioning by increasing cortical volumes. However, it remains unclear how functional networks are altered in patients with insular lobe DLGGs during functional compensation. Thirty-five patients with insular DLGGs were classified into the left (insL, n = 16) and right groups (insR, n = 19), and 33 healthy subjects were included in the control group. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to generate functional connectivity (FC), and network topological properties were evaluated using graph theoretical analysis based on FC matrices. Network-based statistics were applied to compare differences in the FC matrices. A false discovery rate was applied to correct the topological properties. There was no difference in the FC of edges between the control and insL groups; however, the nodal shortest path length of the right insular lobe was significantly increased in the insL group compared to the control group.