The leader-following consensus problem is investigated for complex cyber-physical systems under cyber attacks. The communication channels of the agents in the cyber-physical systems may be destroyed by attacks, and the damage is assumed to be repaired after a period of time by a restoration mechanism. Considering the parameter disturbance in the wireless communication, a robust sampled-data control law is designed so that the leader-following consensus can be achieved. The sampling period, attack length rate and attack frequency are analyzed on the basis of Lipschitz condition or QUAD condition, respectively. By using proper Lyapunov functional and inequality techniques, it is shown that robust leader-following consensus of cyber-physical systems with sampled-data control can be guaranteed under cyber attack. Finally, two examples are provided to confirm the theoretical results.In the hydraulic systems, the non-structural uncertainties such as the nonlinear friction will reduce the tracking accuracy for the hydraulic servo system. In this paper, an incomplete differential-based improved adaptive backstepping integral sliding mode control (ID-BIABISMC) is proposed to realize the position control for the hydraulic servo system based on the friction compensation. The backstepping-based control being integrated the integral sliding mode surface-based sliding mode control with the friction compensation are used to solve the problem of non-structural uncertainty of the hydraulic system. The incomplete differential is introduced to the adaptive update law, by which the low-pass filtering behavior in the incomplete differential is capable of effectively suppressing the interference caused by the pure differential mutation signal. Compared with the traditional adaptive backstepping control (ABC), adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC), the adaptive backstepping sliding mode control (ABSMC) and the proposed adaptive backstepping integral sliding mode control (IABISMC), the experimental results verify the high accuracy tracking performance of the proposed the incomplete differential-based improved adaptive backstepping integral sliding mode control (ID-BIABISMC). For the responses of the sinusoidal signal 40sin(0.2πt+1.5π)+40mm and step signal with 30 mm, the corresponding tracking accuracy for ID-BIABISMC are 0.005 mm and 2.15 mm, respectively.This paper introduces a modified second order sliding mode algorithm with fixed-time stability analysis based on the Lyapunov function approach. An existing second order sliding mode algorithm is generalized, which provides superior features on convergence rate, accuracy, and robustness against a class of perturbations. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with existing algorithms through designing observers first. Then, the proposed algorithm-based controller which displays the fixed-time convergence property is designed to validate its effectiveness and to confirm the theoretical analysis.Understanding perceptions of indigenous people toward natural disasters is essential in social and environmental research to facilitate further studies in investigating the impacts of the events, as well as in examining the adaptive strategies and having implications for policymakers and relevant institutional bodies. We took this essential feature to study the perceptions of local people toward the two common natural disasters flash floods and landslides. We selected the case study in three communes (An Binh, An Thinh, and Dai Son) in Van Yen district, Yen Bai province in Vietnam. This is because flash floods and landslides are two frequent natural disasters that highly adversely affect these areas where major poor ethnic minority communities reside. We conducted six Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and household surveys (405 households) in 2016. The results showed that a decline in productivity, a decrease in income, more hard-working conditions, and an increase in daily expenses were the most observed impacts of these natural disasters in the communes. The analysis also revealed that almost 45% of farmers perceived an increasing trend in the frequency and impacts of flash floods and landslides over the past 15 years. A Multinomial Logit (MNL) model was used to analyze the determinants of farmers' awareness of flash floods and landslides, which indicated that farmers' perceptions of flash floods and landslides are associated with socio-economic characteristics, such as gender, agricultural experience, ethnic groups, climate information, and household income conditions. We suggested that local governments should pay more attention to strengthen farmers' awareness to help improve perceptions of local people toward common natural disasters so that they would gain better adaptive capacities and become more sustainable, which are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.Understanding the sensitivity of water availability in the current and future climate in the Indian sub-continent is vital for food and water security. Using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model and Budyko's framework with two observational datasets, we estimated water budget and mean annual runoff sensitivity to precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (PET) over 18 major river basins and 222 sub-basins in the Indian sub-continent. The river basins located in the north experienced a decline in mean annual precipitation while the basins in the south witnessed an increase in mean annual precipitation. Declined precipitation and increased PET resulted in a decrease in mean annual runoff in Brahmaputra, Ganga, and Indus basins during 1980-2014. On the other hand, mean annual runoff has increased in Sabarmati, South Coast, Subernarekha, Tapi, Mahanadi, East coast, Cauvery, and Brahmani river basins. Mean annual AET estimated using the Budyko's framework was underestimated while mean annual total runoff was overestimated for the majority of the basins in comparison to the estimates from the VIC model. Moreover, the Budyko's framework with both observational datasets underestimated runoff sensitivity to the changes in precipitation and PET in comparison to the VIC model. Runoff is more sensitive to change in precipitation than PET for the majority of the river basins highlighting the importance of changes in precipitation for water availability in the Indian sub-continent. The VIC model simulated runoff and evapotranspiration are in better agreement with the observations in comparison to the estimates from the Budyko's framework. However, a large uncertainty was found in water budget and runoff sensitivity estimated using the VIC and Budyko's models, which highlights the importance of considering multiple models for estimation of the water budget and runoff sensitivity in the sub-continental river basins.