Dengue fever is one of the most rapidly spreading arthropod-borne diseases. Diurnal vectorial properties of Aedes albopictus contribute to the dispersion of the dengue viruses. Frequent and injudicious use of synthetic insecticides led to the evolution of resistant phenotypes in Ae. albopictus which necessitates the search for an alternative of current control strategies. Developing a long-lasting and environmentally safe tactic based on knowledge of ecology and population dynamics of Ae. albopictus is critical. Therefore, with a view towards biological control and ecology, the effect of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) Beauveria bassiana on filial and first filial generations of Ae. albopictus were studied. Investigations showed 87.5% adulticidal activity leading to altered fecundity and adult longevity in a filial generation. The lethal (LC50) and sublethal (LC20) concentrations of B. bassiana were applied to filial generation (F0) to study demographic parameters in the first filial generation (F1). Results showed reduced net reproductive rates (Ro) intrinsic rate of increase (r), and mean generation time (T) compared to uninfected controls. Prolonged larval and pupal duration were observed followed by reduced longevity of male and female adults. Fecundity in the first filial generation was significantly changed with the lethal and sublethal concentrations of B. bassiana. Thus, it is concluded that B. bassiana has the potential to play a vital role in integrated mosquito management strategies.A microbial imbalance called dysbiosis leads to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which can include ulcerative colitis (UC). Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), a novel therapy, has recently been successful in treating gut dysbiosis in UC patients. For the FMT technique to be successful, the gut microbiota of both the healthy donors and UC patients must be characterized. For decades, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been used to analyze gut microbiota. Despite the popularity of NGS, the cost and time constraints make it difficult to use in emergency services and activities related to the periodic monitoring of microbiota profile alterations. Hence, in this study, we developed a multiplex TaqMan qPCR assay (MTq-PCR) with novel probes to simultaneously determine the relative proportions of the three dominant microbial phyla in the human gut Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. The relative proportions of the three phyla in fecal samples of either healthy volunteers or UC patients were similar when assessed NGS and the MTq-PCR. Thus, our MTq-PCR assay could be a practical microbiota profiling alternative for diagnosing and monitoring gut dysbiosis in UC patients during emergency situations, and it could have a role in screening stool from potential FMT donors.While forming a minor population in the blood and lymphoid compartments, T cells are significantly enriched within barrier tissues. In addition to providing protection against infection, these tissue-resident T cells play critical roles in tissue homeostasis and repair. T cells in the epidermis and intestinal epithelium produce growth factors and cytokines that are important for the normal turnover and maintenance of surrounding epithelial cells and are additionally required for the efficient recognition of, and response to, tissue damage. A role for tissue-resident T cells is emerging outside of the traditional barrier tissues as well, with recent research indicating that adipose tissue-resident T cells are required for the normal maintenance and function of the adipose tissue compartment. Here we review the functions of tissue-resident T cells in the epidermis, intestinal epithelium, and adipose tissue, and compare the mechanisms of their activation between these sites.In the paper the usability of the Multiway PCA (MPCA) method for early detection of leakages in the pipeline system of a steam boiler in a thermal-electrical power plant is presented. A long segment of measurements of selected process variables was divided into a series of "batches" (representing daily recordings of normal behavior of the plant) and used to create the MPCA model of a "healthy" system in a reduced space of three principal components (PC). The periodically updated MPCA model was used to establish the confidence ellipsoid for the "healthy" system in the PC coordinates. [d=replaced]The staff's decision of the probable leak detection is supported by comparison of the current location of the operating point (on the "fault trajectory") with the boundaries of the confidence ellipsoid.The location of the process operating point created the "fault trajectory," which (if located outside the confidence ellipsoid) supported the decision of probable leak detection. It must be emphasized that due to daily and seasonal changes of heat/electricity demands, the process variables have substantially greater variability than in the examples of batch processes studied in literature. Despite those real challenges for the MPCA method, numerical examples confirmed that the presented approach was able to foresee the leaks earlier than the operator, typically 3-5 days before the boiler shutdown. The presented methodology may be useful in implementation of an on-line system, developed to improve safety and maintenance of boilers in a thermal-electrical power plant.Pt catalytic nanoparticles on F-doped SnO2/glass substrates were prepared by polyol reduction below 200 °C. The polyol reduction resulted in better transparency of the counter electrode and high power-conversion efficiency (PCE) of the resultant dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) compared to conventional thermal reduction. The PCEs of the DSSCs with 5 μm-thick TiO2 photoanodes were 6.55% and 5.01% under front and back illumination conditions, respectively. The back/front efficiency ratio is very promising for efficient bifacial DSSCs.Bactrocera frauenfeldi (Schiner) (Diptera Tephritidae) is a polyphagous fruit fly pest species that is endemic to Papua New Guinea and has become established in several Pacific Islands and Australia. Despite its economic importance for many crops and the key role of chemical-mediated sexual communication in the reproductive biology of tephritid fruit flies, as well as the potential application of pheromones as attractants, there have been no studies investigating the identity or activity of rectal gland secretions or emission profiles of this species. The present study (1) identifies the chemical profile of volatile compounds produced in rectal glands and released by B. frauenfeldi, (2) investigates which of the volatile compounds elicit an electroantennographic or electropalpographic response, and (3) investigates the potential function of glandular emissions as mate-attracting sex pheromones. Rectal gland extracts and headspace collections from sexually mature males and females of B. frauenfeldi were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.