Our study advances the understanding of the genetic basis of NSOFCs and provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of NSCPO.Periodontitis is a complex, multifactorial chronic disease involving continuous interactions among bacteria, host immune/inflammatory responses, and modifying genetic and environmental factors. More than any other cytokine family, the interleukin (IL)-1 family includes key signaling molecules that trigger and perpetuate periodontal inflammation. Over the years, the IL-1 family expanded to include 11 members of cytokines, some with agonist activity (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-18, IL-33, IL-36α, IL-36β, and IL-36γ), receptor antagonists (IL-1Ra, IL-36Ra), and 2 anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-37, IL-38). The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) has emerged as a pivotal player in the defense against periodontitis. IL-33 primarily induces the production of Th2-associated cytokines but acts as an "alarmin" via stimulation of mast cells. The IL-36 subclass of cytokines may be important in regulating mucosal inflammation and homeostasis. IL-37 suppresses innate and acquired immune responses. IL-38 is the most recent member of the IL-1 superfamily and has anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of IL-37 but through different receptors. However, limited evidence exists regarding the role of IL-37 and IL-38 in periodontitis. Despite the development of IL-1 blocking agents, therapeutic blockade of select IL-1 family members for periodontitis has only been partially investigated in preclinical and clinical research, while the development of IL-37 and IL-38 as novel anti-inflammatory drugs has not been considered adequately. Here, we review the key properties of the IL-1 family members and provide insights into targeting or promoting select cytokines as new therapeutic agents. Adolescents may be vulnerable to misleading nutritional information and adopt unhealthy food habits. In addition, specific features related to physical training, either aimed to improve fitness or to comply with sport demands, may influence food habits of the youth. This cross-sectional study was aimed to compare nutrition knowledge, food habits and adherence to Mediterranean diet in youth engaged in fitness training, competitive sports or inactive. Three questionnaires, the General and Sport Nutrition Knowledge (GeSNK) questionnaire, a food habit questionnaire and the KIDMED were administered to gym members, athletes engaged in volleyball, long-distance swimming, and gymnastics, and inactive adolescents. The total sample included 211 youth (age 16.8 ± 1.7 years). Gym members, like the inactive youth, had lower general and sport-related nutrition knowledge compared to athletes (  0.001). In the whole sample, general nutrition knowledge was positively associated with healthy food habits (  0.01) and adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern (  0.02). Gym members had a level of nutrition knowledge lower than young athletes and similar to inactive youth. Healthy food habits were related with nutrition knowledge among adolescents. Specific nutritional education programs are needed to address food habits in fitness settings. Gym members had a level of nutrition knowledge lower than young athletes and similar to inactive youth. Healthy food habits were related with nutrition knowledge among adolescents. Specific nutritional education programs are needed to address food habits in fitness settings.A severe consequence of adult Zika virus (ZIKV) infection is Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), where autoreactive antibodies attack peripheral and central nervous systems (CNS) resulting in neuro-ocular pathology and fatal complications. During virally induced GBS, autoimmune brain demyelination and macular degeneration correlate with low virus neutralization and elevated antibody-mediated infection among Fcγ-R bearing cells. The use of interferon-deficient mice for ZIKV studies limits elucidation of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and long-term pathology (≥120 days), due to high lethality post-infection. Here we used immunocompetent BALB/c mice, which generate robust humoral immune responses, to investigate long-term impacts of ZIKV infection. A high infectious dose (1x106 FFU per mouse) of ZIKV was administered intravenously. Control animals received a single dose of anti-IFNAR blocking monoclonal antibody and succumbed to lethal neurological pathology within 13 days. Immunocompetent mice exhibited motor impairment such as arthralgia, as well as ocular inflammation resulting in retinal vascular damage, and corneal edema. This pathology persisted 100 days after infection with evidence of chronic inflammation in immune-privileged tissues, demyelination in the hippocampus and motor cortex regions of the brain, and retinal/corneal hyperplasia. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/lee011.html Anti-inflammatory transcriptional responses were tissue-specific, likely contributing to differential pathology in these organs. Pathology in immunocompetent animals coincided with weakly neutralizing antibodies and increased ADE among ZIKV strains (PRVABC59, FLR, and MR766) and all Dengue virus (DENV) serotypes. These antibodies were autoreactive to GBS-associated gangliosides. This study highlights the importance of longevity studies in ZIKV infection and confirms the role of anti-ganglioside antibodies in ZIKV-induced neuro-ocular disease.LGBTQ individuals disproportionally experience a variety of adverse health outcomes as compared to heterosexual individuals with similar backgrounds. New Orleans has the fourth-highest concentration of LGBTQ individuals in American metropolitan areas. This research defined, measured, and prioritized LGBTQ community needs based on reports from professionals currently involved in healthcare and social service provision. A total of 22 interviews were completed with service providers located in the Greater New Orleans area. The project outlines the greatest programming needs to reduce health and quality of life disparities currently observed in LGBTQ populations. Major service barriers and considerations for research with minority populations are also discussed. Affordable housing, mental health service accessibility, service provider cultural competence, and transportation management were found to play major roles in LGBTQ focused program efficacy. Researchers include suggestions for implementing participatory research methodology into future studies.