Why You Should Trust Window Doctors to Repair Your Double Glazed Windows Double glazing can provide many benefits. It can improve the appearance of your home and help reduce the amount of noise pollution. Double glazing isn't impervious to damage and can also develop faults. There are some issues which can be easily corrected through double glazing repairs, saving you both the cost and hassle that comes with replacement. Read on to find out more. Cost-effective The material of the window frame has significant influence on how your double glazing will perform. Aluminium, uPVC and timber are all susceptible to shrinkage and expansion depending on the outside temperature, and this takes its toll over time. A good-quality frame can last for many years. If it is damaged, the double glazing will become misty and leaky. This will result in a significant increase in energy costs. A repair performed by an experienced professional will solve this problem and ensure that the frame is in place, providing you with peace of mind and a guarantee that the job was done to a high quality. A common issue is a gap that exists between the two panes of glass, which causes windows to become cloudy and draughty. This could indicate that there is humidity in the air. This can cause damp or mould inside your home. It also affects the insulation of your home and cause a rise in energy costs. A double glazing doctor will be able to solve this issue. In the course of a repair an expert will replace any damaged seals and use a new rubber gasket. This will increase the thermal efficiency of your home, and will help to lower your energy bills. Additionally it will stop water from entering your home, and reduce the risk of condensation. A repair will be cheaper than replacing the entire window which is a better choice in the long term. If you are considering the possibility of a DIY fix, be aware that it can take longer than