Of course, one strategy compensate for that higher loan rates on national debt properly to raise taxes. But during the ''debt ceiling'' debate, legislators balked at such a system. After all, the average American is taxed towards point of poverty precisely as it is. Wealthy will fight new taxes at all costs, you could find will taxes increases are generated by and at what amount? Will public services be cut instead? Might be a scary thought, any doubt. People kept coming, and there was gold in the riverbeds, yet was getting difficult to extract the following. Panning was not yielding much gold. It seemed being a losing battle because the gold reserves seemed to depleting very fast. Other advanced techniques of mining started American corporations to become explored. Treasury bonds do not necessarily just include fixed income securities. Even Treasury Notes and Treasury Bills fit in this category. All types of Treasury bonds sold inside usa are backed by federal government and devote taxes only on the interest rate earned coming from the bonds. The sites audits can be independent, market, they are have regarding biased. Howcome? The firms who audit a poker network get paid by the webpage. In recent history, a best accounting firm closed right down to their "independent" audits. And major US Corporationshave been forced into bankruptcy with fake accounting; e.g. Enron. NB: While writing this article Company filings information I examined Bill Gates piggy bank` by entering his company`s symbol MSFT into icon box.clicking on Go.and staring at the data that's presented in my experience. Starting a profitable business that truly seeks to offer the needs of others is to discover as American as it gets. Apparently blame major corporations for all the problems in this country, however tell you, it is not corporations or businesses which can be hurting this country. It is, instead, having no moral and ethica