Improved relations with mentors were another relevant outcome. Improvement in communication skills and a positive change related to research attitude were also reported by students. . Reflective summaries as a means to evaluate the MSP programme was found to be an easy, feasible and cost-effective method. The qualitative approach adopted for data analysis enabled the programme coordinators to assess the strengths and barriers of the programme. . Reflective summaries as a means to evaluate the MSP programme was found to be an easy, feasible and cost-effective method. The qualitative approach adopted for data analysis enabled the programme coordinators to assess the strengths and barriers of the programme.Malignant melanoma is an aggressive malignancy with high recurrence rates after curative surgery and in advanced stages is characterized by resistance to conventional chemotherapy. With better understanding of the genomic landscape and mutational signature of these tumours over the past decade, there has been a paradigm shift in management of melanoma using immunotherapy (anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 antibodies) and targeted drugs against BRAF and MEK. These drugs have shown survival benefits in both adjuvant and metastatic setting with patients being eligible for immunotherapy irrespective of any biomarker. However, these drugs have varying toxicity profiles and there are no studies comparing these two classes of drugs in either the adjuvant or metastatic setting leaving the question of sequencing open to clinical judgement. Moreover, availability and cost are issues that need to be considered before use of these drugs in the Indian setting.Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by the presence of vascular naevi, varicose veins and soft tissue or bone hypertrophy affecting one or more extremities. Due to the rarity of the syndrome, there is limited literature regarding the current practice in the management of pregnancy complicated with KTS. Successful management of pregnancy with KTS is a challenge for clinicians as pregnancy exacerbates the already increased risk of thrombosis and haemorrhage associated with this syndrome. We report a patient with KTS with previous poor obstetric history managed with favourable maternal and foetal outcomes. . This study aimed to determine the oral health status and treatment needs of an elderly population residing in old-age homes in Tamil Nadu. . We did a cross-sectional study among people 65 years and older, residing in affordable and non-affordable old-age homes in Tamil Nadu. A total of 600 elderly people (332 from private, self-financed and 268 charitable old-age homes) were clinically examined and assessed using the WHO basic oral health proforma, 2013. The data obtained were entered into Microsoft Excel 2013 computer program, and then exported to the data editor page of SPSS version 16 for statistical analysis. . The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) of the total study population were 22.21. On assessing the periodontal status, it was observed that only 36.9% of the elderly had healthy gingiva. Dental erosion (20.9%) was comparatively more prevalent than dental fluorosis (1.2%), dental trauma (3%) and oral mucosal lesions (11.7%) among the study population. The prevalence of denture wearers was 24.5%. On statistical analysis, the values for DMFT and denture status were significantly different (p<0.05) between those in private and charitable old-age homes. . The overall oral health status of the elderly was poor. The requirements of oral healthcare needs are higher among the elderly living in charitable homes than those in private, self-financed homes. . The overall oral health status of the elderly was poor. The requirements of oral healthcare needs are higher among the elderly living in charitable homes than those in private, self-financed homes. . Community-based health insurance (CBHI) is a health-financing mechanism based on voluntary membership, risk pooling, with a non-profit objective and relies on social capital as a driving force. It aims to improve equity in healthcare utilization in the community. We did this study to understand if CBHI schemes reach the poor, improve healthcare utilization and protect them from catastrophic health events. . Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (MGIMS), Sevagram, located in Wardha district of Maharashtra, India, runs a variety of CBHI schemes in surrounding villages. Many households (HHs) have opted for these schemes. We conducted a cross-sectional survey of all HHs of 35 villages and collected information about sociodemographics, inpatient healthcare utilization (in previous 5 years), outpatient healthcare utilization (in previous 1 year) and insurance status of the HHs. We derived wealth index based on 33 sociodemographic variables and classified HHs in quintiles of wealth index. We compared thting in a CBHI scheme increased odds of utilization of inpatient services (OR 1.18; 95% CI 1.04-1.33) and protected from catastrophic health events (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.43-0.64). . CBHI schemes improve healthcare utilization and protect against catastrophic health expenditure among those who get hospitalized. However, there also exists a socioeconomic gradient both in membership and in utilization of healthcare services favouring those who are more affluent. . CBHI schemes improve healthcare utilization and protect against catastrophic health expenditure among those who get hospitalized. However, there also exists a socioeconomic gradient both in membership and in utilization of healthcare services favouring those who are more affluent. . Surgical healthcare across low- and middle-income countries is plagued with concerns over scarcity of anaesthesiologists. Orthopaedic surgeons working in such resource-limited settings are often caught in a dilemma to provide emergency orthopaedic surgical care without an attending anaesthesiologist. Therefore, an effective, low-risk solution is necessary to ensure safe emergency orthopaedic care. . We evaluated the incidence of 'anaesthesia-related complications' and 'intraoperative adjuvant medications' for maintenance of adequate anaesthesia for patients who underwent emergency upper limb procedures at a remote mission hospital in rural central India, from June 2013 to June 2016. Emergency cases where there was no anaesthesio-logist were analyzed. Data were collected from the Hospaa 3 HMS software, orthopaedic surgical logbook and inpatient records from 2013 to 2016. . Sixty-eight patients underwent an 'axillary block' for emergency orthopaedic procedures. Twelve (17.6%) patients had partial block and needed adjuvant medications, 1 (1.