opment and implementation of targeted education programmes, and it is hoped that employing this approach will ultimately improve overall perceptions of asthma treatment in athletes, which is necessary to maintain respiratory health, optimize performance and protect the integrity of sport.© 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. To compare fetal tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion(TAPSE)Z-scores and mitral annular plane systolic excursion(MAPSE) Z-scores between fetuses with heart failure (HF) and normal fetuses, and to analysis the correlation between CVPS and annular plane systolic excursion(APSE) Z-score(sum of the TAPSE and MAPSE Z-score) in order to evaluate the ventricle systolic function and severity in fetuses with HF. A total of 1012 normal fetuses and 24 fetuses with heart failure were involved. TAPSE and MAPSE were measured by free angle M-mode(FAM) echocardiography. Normal FAM-TAPSE and FAM-MAPSE Z-score models based on GA were constructed by performing a standard regression analysis followed by weighted regression of absolute residual values . Tei indexes were calculated in all fetuses with heart failure and all of them were divided into left heart failure (LHF)group and right heart failure(RHF)group by Tei index. Subsequently, FAM-MAPSE Z-scores were compared between the normal and LHF groups, FAM-TAPSE Z-scoerity in fetuses with HF. The FAM-TAPSE and FAM-MAPSE Z-scores declined in fetuses with HF and they can provide quantitative evidence in evaluation of heart systolic function, FAM-APSE Z-score correlated positively with CVPS. FAM-TAPSE, FAM-MAPSE and FAM-APSE Z-scores would be markers for assessing heart systolic function and severity in fetuses with HF. To evaluate the frequency of EMS protocol non-adherence during pediatric asthma encounters and its association with emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) and hospital admission. Thi