Plant survival was affected by interaction between plant traits and climate change, with both trait plasticities and maxima being important for adaptation to novel climates. Key traits include plasticity in extravaginal ramets, aboveground biomass, and osmotic potential. The direction of selection in response to a given climatic change detected in this study mostly contradicted the natural trait clines indicating that short-term selection pressure as identified here does not match long-term selection outcomes. Long-lived clonal species exposed to different climatic changes are subjected to consistent selection pressures on key traits, a necessary condition for adaptation to novel conditions. This points to evolutionary rescue as an important mechanism for dealing with climate change in these species. Our experimental approach may be applied also in other model systems broadening our understanding of evolutionary rescue. Such knowledge cannot be easily deduced from observing the existing field clines.Once thought to be a minor disease, foliar blast disease of pearl millet, caused by Magnaporthe grisea, has recently emerged as an important biotic constraint for pearl millet production in India. The presence of a wider host range as well as high pathogenic heterogeneity complicates host-pathogen dynamics. Furthermore, environmental factors play a significant role in exacerbating the disease severity. An attempt was made to unravel the genotype-by-environment interactions for identification and validation of stable resistant genotypes against foliar blast disease through multi-environment testing. A diversity panel consisting of 250 accessions collected from over 20 different countries was screened under natural epiphytotic conditions in five environments. A total of 43 resistant genotypes were found to have high and stable resistance. Interestingly, most of the resistant lines were late maturing. Combined ANOVA of the