The importance of grass pollen to the global burden of allergic respiratory disease is well established but exposure to subtropical and temperate pollens is difficult to discern. Current monitoring of airborne pollen relies on light microscopy, limiting identification of taxa to family level. This informs seasonal fluctuations in pollen aerobiology but restricts analysis of aerobiological composition. We aimed to test the utility of DNA metabarcoding to identify specific taxa contributing to the aerobiome of environmental air samples, using routine pollen and spore monitoring equipment, as well as assess temporal variation of Poaceae pollen across an entire season. Airborne pollen concentrations were determined by light microscopy over two pollen seasons in the subtropical city of Brisbane (27°32'S, 153°00E), Australia. Thirty daily pollen samples were subjected to high throughput sequencing of the plastid rbcL amplicon. Amplicons corresponded to plants observed in the local biogeographical region with up to 3238 different operational taxonomic units (OTU) detected. The aerobiome sequencing data frequently identified pollen to genus levels with significant quantitative differences in aerobiome diversity between the months and seasons detected. Moreover, multiple peaks of Chloridoideae and Panicoideae pollen were evident over the collection period confirming these grasses as the dominant Poaceae pollen source across the season. Targeted high throughput sequencing of routinely collected airborne pollen samples appears to offer utility to track temporal changes in the aerobiome and shifts in pollen exposure. Precise identification of the composition and temporal distributions of airborne pollen is important for tracking biodiversity and for management of allergic respiratory disease.Wet and dry aerosol deposition samples were collected from September 2010 to August 2012 at a remote background site in the Mallorca Isle (Western Mediterranean). Ions and major and trace elements were determined in soluble and insoluble fractions. Temporal variations of chemical components are discussed and interpreted. The overall pattern associated to long-range-transport air masses is studied Dry/Wet deposition ratios, charges and composition depend clearly on the meteorological scenario. E.g. Dry/Wet ratio is 11 when air comes from North Africa, in contrast to a 19 ratio under the mainland Europe influence. Moreover, an innovating source apportionment study was conducted integrating both dry and wet deposition samples. Six sources were revealed, including marine aerosols (32%); two different mineral factors, African dust (15%) and regional dust (12%); two anthropogenic factors, one related to road traffic (8%) and another to regional sources (17%); and a mixed factor having biomass burning emissions and others sources (17%). Temporal variations and influence from long-range-transport air masses are also investigated. Fertilization deposition trends have also been explored, observing nutrients settling, as well as nitrate and sulphate, due to their agricultural interest. An important peak during January-February 2012 is studied in depth. Having in mind the strong impact of African dust on the global deposition budget, the analysis of elemental ratios between key dust components was investigated in order to identify major source areas affecting Western Mediterranean Western Sahara, Algeria-Hoggar Massif and Tunisia-Libya. Differences among these regions are evident. E.g. the impact of industrial emissions is well-detected under outbreaks from Tunisia-Libya, with relatively high content of Ni and Pb.By determining susceptibility to disease, environment-driven variation in immune responses can affect the health, productivity and fitness of vertebrates. Yet how the different components of the total environment control this immune variation is remarkably poorly understood. Here, through combining field observation, experimentation and modelling, we are able to quantitatively partition the key environmental drivers of constitutive immune allocation in a model wild vertebrate (three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus). We demonstrate that, in natural populations, thermal conditions and diet alone are sufficient (and necessary) to explain a dominant (seasonal) axis of variation in immune allocation. This dominant axis contributes to both infection resistance and tolerance and, in turn, to the vital rates of infectious agents and the progression of the disease they cause. Our results illuminate the environmental regulation of vertebrate immunity (given the evolutionary conservation of the molecular pathways involved) and they identify mechanisms through which immunocompetence and host-parasite dynamics might be impacted by changing environments. In particular, we predict a dominant sensitivity of immunocompetence and immunocompetence-driven host-pathogen dynamics to host diet shifts.Pseudokeronopsis rubra (Ehrenberg, 1836), type species of Pseudokeronopsis, is a widely reported but taxonomically confused species with most available sequences either misidentified or dubious. Based on the Yellow Sea population, of which the molecular data have been analyzed in a previous work, we redescribe P. rubra and try to clarify the identifications of the populations designated as P. rubra or those allocated to this species. Nonetheless, there is still a need of integrated investigation of the species combing both morphological and molecular data based on specimens from its type locality. Recent molecular analyses indicate a Yellow Sea population of Pseudokeronopsis (marked as P. cf. songi) likely represents a new species. Here we describe it as P. parasongi sp. nov. based on the specimens from the same population. The new species possesses a yellow-brownish body with both pigmented cortical granules and colorless blood cell-shaped structures underneath the body surface, invariably one contractile vacuole at 66% of body length and occasionally a second one at 25%, and the midventral complex terminating 2-23 μm ahead of 2-4 transverse cirri. It differs from closely related species by its yellow-brownish body color and separates from them in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 and COI genetic distances.