In conclusion, our study unveiled the necroptotic status in HNSCC for the first time and provided a novel in vitro model of necroptosis in two HNSCC cell lines. In addition, our results indicated that necroptosis may be a potential cancer promoter in HNSCC. This study may serve as the foundation for future researches of necroptosis in HNSCC.For 60-GHz band communications, both the mutual coupling and transmission distance restrict the performance of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna array. Several studies presented different types of meta-materials and electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures to improve the performance of a MIMO antenna array at the 60-GHz band. In this paper, we presented the four-element MIMO patch antenna with different types of EBG structures for the millimeter wave (mmW)communications at the 60-GHz unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical band. The single element of the MIMO antenna array covered the mmW band from 57 GHz to 63 GHz having the dimensions of 1.3 mm × 1.8 mm × 0.1 mm. We developed a set of square-shaped, cross-shaped, and complex-slotted EBG ground planes between the antenna elements for the performance improvement. All the three EBG ground planes provided significant coupling reduction between the mmW MIMO antenna elements. The proposed EBG structures exhibited wide bandgap characteristics and improved scattering parameters in the desired frequency band. In contrast with the cross- and complex-slotted, the square-shaped EBG structure substantially improved the overall gain of MIMO antenna array. In addition, the square-shaped EBG reformed the maximum beam and enhanced the far-field gain pattern in the desired direction. Experimental results conducted with the fabricated prototypes showed a good agreement with the simulation results and adequately covered the 60-GHz band. The low-profile and salient features of the proposed MIMO antenna array shows the potential for on-chip applications at 60 GHz.Mitochondrial aging, which results in mitochondrial dysfunction, is strongly linked to many age-related diseases. Aging is associated with mitochondrial enlargement and transport of cytosolic proteins into mitochondria. The underlying homeostatic mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial morphology and function, and their breakdown during aging, remain unclear. Here, we identify a mitochondrial protein trafficking pathway in Drosophila melanogaster involving the mitochondria-associated protein Dosmit. Dosmit induces mitochondrial enlargement and the formation of double-membraned vesicles containing cytosolic protein within mitochondria. The rate of vesicle formation increases with age. Vesicles originate from the outer mitochondrial membrane as observed by tracking Tom20 localization, and the process is mediated by the mitochondria-associated Rab32 protein. Dosmit expression level is closely linked to the rate of ubiquitinated protein aggregation, which are themselves associated with age-related diseases. The mitochondrial protein trafficking route mediated by Dosmit offers a promising target for future age-related mitochondrial disease therapies.The intestine is a highly dynamic environment that requires tight control of the various inputs to maintain homeostasis and allow for proper responses to injury. It was recently found that the stem cell niche and epithelium is regenerated after injury by de-differentiated adult cells, through a process that gives rise to Sca1+ fetal-like cells and is driven by a transient population of Clu+ revival stem cells (revSCs). However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate this dynamic process have not been fully defined. Here we show that TNFAIP8 (also known as TIPE0) is a regulator of intestinal homeostasis that is vital for proper regeneration. TIPE0 functions through inhibiting basal Akt activation by the commensal microbiota via modulating membrane phospholipid abundance. Loss of TIPE0 in mice results in injury-resistant enterocytes, that are hyperproliferative, yet have regenerative deficits and are shifted towards a de-differentiated state. Tipe0-/- enterocytes show basal induction of the Clu+ regenerative program and a fetal gene expression signature marked by Sca1, but upon injury are unable to generate Sca-1+/Clu+ revSCs and could not regenerate the epithelium. This work demonstrates the role of TIPE0 in regulating the dynamic signaling that determines the injury response and enables intestinal epithelial cell regenerative plasticity.A forest of the black coral Antipathella subpinnata was found from 52 to 80 m depth in three different sites at Tremiti Islands Marine Protected Area (MPA; Mediterranean Sea), with two of them hosting a monospecific forest on horizontal and vertical substrates. Colonies of A. subpinnata showed a mean density between 0.22 ± 0.03 and 2.40 ± 0.26 colonies m-2 (maximum local values of 2.4-7.2 colonies m-2). The link between the local distribution of A. subpinnata and the main oceanographic features confirmed the fundamental role of the currents in shaping the distribution of the species in presence of hard substrata. This black coral forest represents the only one known thus far in the Adriatic Sea, but it could be linked with other unseen forests all over the Mediterranean Sea. The associated megafauna highlights the importance of these forests as habitat for species of both conservation and commercial importance but, at the same time, makes such habitat a target for fishing practices, as many lost fishing gears were found within the coral forest. The enlargement of the MPA borders and the enforcement of controls in the area of the A. subpinnata forest is urgently needed for the proper conservation of this protected species.Due to the limitations in the range of antibodies recognising avian viruses, quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) is still the most widely used method to evaluate the expression of immunologically related genes in avian viruses. The objective of this study was to identify suitable reference genes for mRNA expression analysis in chicken intraepithelial lymphocyte natural killer (IEL-NK) cells after infection with very-virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV). Fifteen potential reference genes were selected based on the references available. The coefficient of variation percentage (CV%) and average count of these 15 genes were determined by NanoString technology for control and infected samples. The M and V values for shortlisted reference genes (ACTB, GAPDH, HMBS, HPRT1, SDHA, TUBB1 and YWHAZ) were calculated using geNorm and NormFinder. GAPDH, YWHAZ and HMBS were the most stably expressed genes. The expression levels of three innate immune response related target genes, CASP8, IL22 and TLR3, agreed in the NanoString and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) results using one or two reference genes for normalisation (not HMBS).