Due to slower VT cycle length and frequent oversensed events, the S-ICD was ultimately replaced by a TV-ICD system. CONCLUSIONS This case report emphasizes the importance of S-ICD pre-implant vector screening and the need for paying attention to VT cycle length to prevent inappropriate device shocks and/or delayed therapies.Hospice and palliative care providers throughout the United States have continued to provide compassionate patient- and family-centered care during the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic while adapting to the need for scrupulous infection control measures and the accelerated use of telehealth. Prior to the pandemic, hospice and palliative care adopted telehealth slowly compared with other specialties, but its rapidly increasing utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic has long-term implications for access to primary and specialty palliative care, particularly for patients in rural communities and populations experiencing inequitable access to services. Telehealth also shows great promise for leveraging technology to provide care more effectively and efficiently. As more provider organizations become equipped with telehealth infrastructure, and as advocacy for broader reimbursement of these services grows, telehealth services for hospice and palliative care are expected to continue. This article highlights the work of expert clinicians from multiple hospice and palliative care organizations to develop best practices for conducting telehealth visits in inpatient and community settings. The authors propose that best practices be compiled and considered to ensure quality-driven, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines with interprofessional applicability.Caring for terminally ill patients can be emotionally burdensome. Previous research has demonstrated that caregiving is associated with anxiety and depression. Research on caregivers of terminally ill patients is limited by retrospect