Congenital abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are an extremely rare entity. We present the case of a female fetus diagnosed with an AAA on routine prenatal ultrasound. A postnatal computed tomography angiogram revealed an infrarenal AAA with a narrow proximal neck. Surgery was performed on day of life 14 using a cadaveric femoral artery graft. The proximal anastomosis was performed under the microscope given the severity of the aortic stenosis and the proximity of the renal arteries. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful and she is developing normally 1 year after surgery. The graft remains permeable, albeit with evidence of proximal and distal stenosis and graft calcification on imaging.Pyloric web is a rare cause of gastric outlet obstruction. Classical pyloric web can be diagnosed by obtaining a patient history, physical examination, and plain abdominal X-ray, whereas a perforated web leads to incomplete intestinal obstruction. Delayed diagnosis is rare, and the definite diagnosis is made by upper endoscopy. In this report, we report a case of a girl in whom a pyloric web was diagnosed at the age of 13 months.With the advances of neonatology, the survival rate for "live-born periviable fetuses" weighing  less then  300 g, a subgroup of extremely low birth weight (BW) infants, has improved over the past 10 years. Meconium-related ileus (MRI) represents an early postnatal hazard, and, if medical evacuation fails, a surgical challenge in such immature babies. We report the interdisciplinary management of surgically treated MRI in a newborn with a BW of 273 g. According to the worldwide database held by the University of Iowa, he is registered as the tiniest male newborn in Europe. The boy was born in the 25th gestational week by cesarean section after a triplet pregnancy with twin-twin transfusion syndrome, him being the donor. He had a BW of 273 g, whereas his brothers had a BW of 740 g and 722 g. Cardiopulmonary stabilization and ventilation were successful. He developed MRI unresponsive to medical treatment. On day 14 of life, a minilaparotomy was performed in the right lower quadrant to externalize a loop of the distal ileum in a no-touch technique. Despite the small diameter of only 2 mm, a standard loop ileostomy could be fashioned. There were no intra- or postoperative abdominal complications. Bowel function and weight gain were adequate and the ileostomy was closed electively 5 months later at a body weight of 3.5 kg. In summary, minilaparotomy and loop ileostomy placement were effective to treat surgical MRI in Europe's tiniest male newborn. With the advances of neonatology, pediatric surgery reaches new frontiers as well.In this article, a novel susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model with nonmonotonic incidence and treatment rates is proposed and analyzed mathematically. The Monod-Haldane functional response is considered for nonmonotonic behavior of both incidence rate and treatment rate. The model analysis shows that the model has two equilibria which are named as disease-free equilibrium (DFE) and endemic equilibrium (EE). The stability analysis has been performed for the local and global behavior of the DFE and EE. With the help of the basic reproduction number R 0 , we investigate that DFE is locally asymptotically stable when R 0 1 . The local stability of DFE at R 0 = 1 has been analyzed, and it is obtained that DFE exhibits a forward transcritical bifurcation. Further, we identify conditions for the existence of EE and show the local stability of EE under certain conditions. Moreover, the global stability behavior of DFE and EE has been investigated. Lastly, numerical simulations have been done in the support of our theoretical findings.CD274 gene encodes programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) protein, also known as B7 homolog 1 (B7-H1), which is a crucial hallmark for highly proliferation cells including cancer cells. PD-1 and PD-L1 interaction is assumed as a negative regulator for immune response which can inhibit the T cell growth and cytokine secretion and supports tumor cells evasion from immune system. therefore, PD-L1 could be assumed as a candidate target for immune-therapy. The predicted structure of PD-L1 indicates (Gly4Ser) 3 linker-based chains links. In that line, different simulation softwares applied to explore the structure of granzyme B (GrB), a serine protease in cytotoxic lymphocytes granules as an apoptosis mediator, was attached to its specific antibody structure (atezolizumab) via an adaptor sequence. Evaluation of accuracy, energy minimization and characterization of biological properties of the final processed structure were performed and our computational outcomes indicated that the employed method for structure prediction has been successfully managed to design the immunotoxin structure. It is necessary to mention that, the precise and accurate design of the immune-therapeutic agents against cancer cells can be confirmed by employment of in-silico approaches. Consequently, based on this approach we could introduce a capable immunotoxin which specifically targeting PD-L1 in an accurate orientation and initiates cancer cell destruction by its toxin domain. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40203-021-00076-z. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40203-021-00076-z.This contribution outlines various spatial and temporal aspects of medical or public-health related calls for service from the public to police in Philadelphia in 2019. These incidents comprise about 8% of the police department's workload that originates from the public. Calls appear to be highly concentrated in a few areas, and specifically the Center City and Kensington neighborhoods. They are also more likely to occur late afternoon and evening. The article shows that some medical or public health activity initially masquerades as crime or other policing work and some events eventually determined to be police/crime activity can initially appear to be public health related. About 20% of activity in this area does not appear predictable from the initial call type as handled by police dispatch.