A holistic strategy for discovering structural analogs was established using characteristic structural fragments filtering by high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry and successfully employed for discovering potential hazards in meat. The mass spectrometry fragmentation mechanisms of 113 compounds (including sulphonamides, tetracyclines, benzimidazoles, steroid hormones, cephalosporins, β-blockers) were investigated and a new strategy for screening of characteristic fragment ions was proposed. To process the data acquired by two scan modes, firstly an integrated filtering strategy was conducted to facilitate the characterisation of multi-class drugs. The integrated filtering strategy was applied to reduce interference in the raw data, which could help extracting the MS1 characteristics of the homolog-type chemical substances and expand the screening of the compounds as effectively as possible. This strategy was based on a combination of nitrogen rule, neutral loss and multiple characteristic fragment ions filtering. The method was validated by rapid screening and identification of targeted compounds in spiked samples. Particularly, the successful detection of several new compounds indicated that this strategy had significant advantages over individual filtration methods and could be a promising method for screening and identifying newly homolog-type drug residues in complex samples.Fiber reinforcement is a crucial attribute of soft-bodied muscular hydrostats that have the ability to undergo large deformations and maintain their posture. Helically wound fibers around the cylindrical worm body help control the tube diameter and length. Geometric considerations show that a fiber winding angle of 54.7°, called the magic angle, results in a maximum enclosed volume. Few studies have combined both experimental and theoretical techniques to explore the effects of fiber winding at varied angles on the large deformation mechanics of fiber-reinforced elastomers (FRE). We fabricated FRE materials in transversely isotropic layouts varying from 0° to 90° using a custom filament winding technique and characterized the nonlinear stress-strain relationships using uniaxial and equibiaxial experiments. We used these data within a continuum mechanical framework to propose a novel constitutive model for incompressible FRE materials with embedded extensible fibers. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tulmimetostat.html The model includes individual contributions from the matrix and fibers in addition to coupled terms in strain invariants, I1 and I4. The deviatoric stress components show inversion at fiber orientation angles near the magic angle in the FRE composites. These results are useful in soft robotic applications and in the biomechanics of fiber-reinforced tissues such as the myocardium, arteries, and skin.Intake assessment and hazard profile of chemical substances are the two critical inputs in a safety assessment. Human intake assessment presents challenges that stem either from the absence of data or from numerous sources of variability and uncertainty, which have led regulators to adopt conservative approaches that inevitably overestimate intake. Refinements of intake assessments produce more realistic estimates and help prioritise areas of concern and better direct investment of resources. However, use levels (ULs), which represent the usual added amount of flavourings to food products, are the starting point for refined intake assessments, are data-intensive, and data availability is often a limitation. The work presented here was undertaken to investigate the use level patterns of substances used as flavourings in foods and to develop a systematic tool for data extrapolation based on chemical structure. The available dataset consists of use levels reported through eight industry surveys and hence are representative of industry uses rather than regulatory limits, which are higher by design and not realistic. A systematic statistical analysis was undertaken to determine whether the industry-reported UL data can be used to estimate use levels of flavouring substances belonging to the same chemical group for which such data are not available. Predictive modelling approaches were explored to evaluate relationships in the data and utilised additional variables relevant to technological considerations, such as volatility losses upon heat treatment, and Tanimoto index-based pair-wise structural similarity scores to determine whether more granular similarity information can reduce the within-group variability. The analyses indicated that the use levels of flavouring substances can reasonably be estimated based on the available data using chemical group classifications stratified by food category. Source of uncertainty and limitations are discussed.Site-directed RNA editing is a promising genetic modification technology for therapeutic and pharmaceutical applications. We previously constructed adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADAR)-guiding RNAs (AD-gRNAs) that direct A-to-I RNA editing activity of native human ADAR2 into a programmable target site. In this study, we developed the short-chain AD-gRNA (shAD-gRNA) as a potential basic framework for practical RNA-editing oligonucleotides. Based on knowledge of previous AD-gRNA, shAD-gRNAs were designed to have the shortest possible sequence for the induction of editing activity. In vitro, compared to the original AD-gRNA, the shAD-gRNAs showed similar or superior editing induction activity, depending on the target RNA sequence, and had lower off-target editing activity around the target site, which is predicted to be a hotspot for off-target editing. Moreover, shAD-gRNAs achieved target RNA editing with both exogenous and endogenous human ADARs in cultured cells. Our results present shAD-gRNA as a short basic framework that would be applicable to further development for practical RNA-editing oligonucleotides.Containing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) through case investigation and contact tracing is a crucial strategy for governmental public health agencies to control the spread of COVID-19 infection in the United States. Because of the recency of the pandemic, few examples of COVID-19 contact-tracing models have been shared among local, state, and federal public health officials to date. This case study of the Anne Arundel County Department of Health (Maryland) illustrates one model of contact-tracing activity developed early in the outbreak. We describe the contact-tracing effort's place within the broader county health agency Incident Command System, as well as the capabilities needed, team composition, special considerations, and major lessons learned by county health officials. Other local, state, tribal, territorial, and federal health officials and policy makers can use this case study to innovate, iterate, and further refine contact-tracing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection and support community members in isolation or quarantine.