Heavy liquid metals such as lead and lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) are considered as spallation target material for next-generation neutron sources and as coolant of fast spectrum nuclear reactors that are developed to facilitate more efficient use of nuclear fuel as well as transmutation of long-lived nuclear waste. During the operation of such facilities, the heavy liquid metal will be activated by nuclear reactions. Additionally, fission product radionuclides may be introduced into the liquid metal from leaking fuel pins or by fission of the target nuclei in spallation. https://www.selleckchem.com/ The chemical behaviour of these radioactive contaminants in the liquid metal - especially their immediate volatilization or volatilization of formed secondary compounds - may affect the safety of such facilities. The present article summarizes the activities of PSI's Laboratory of Radiochemistry towards a better understanding of the chemistry of potentially hazardous radionuclides in LBE and discusses aspects that need to be addressed in future to support the licensing of heavy liquid metal-based nuclear facilities.Radionuclide production and development has a long history at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and dates back to the founding times of its forerunner institutions the Federal Institute for Reactor Research and the Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research. The facilities used for this purpose have evolved substantially over the last five decades. Many radiometals in use today, as radiopharmaceuticals, are for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, with the most popular means of detection being Positron Emission Tomography. These positron emitters are easily produced at low proton energies using medical cyclotrons, however, developments at these facilities are lacking. Currently, the fixed 72 MeV proton beam at PSI is degraded at IP2 irradiation station to provide the desired energy to irradiate targets to produce the likes of 44Sc, 43Sc and 64Cu as a proof of principle, which are of great interest to the nuclear medicine community. This development work can then be implemented at facilities containing medical cyclotrons. A history of the development of radionuclides at PSI, along with current development and projects with partner institutions, is described.Radiopharmacy at ETH has worked on the development of novel PET tracers for neuro-, cardiac- and tumor imaging for many years. In this paper, our efforts on targeting the glutamatergic system of the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) and the ionotropic N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA) receptor are summarized. We briefly described the principles of positron emission tomography (PET) tracer development for the central nervous system (CNS) and the radiolabeling methods used in our laboratory. To assess the radioligands, results of in vitro autoradiography, biodistribution, and metabolite studies as well as PET imaging data are discussed. Furthermore, key PET parameters for kinetic modeling and quantification methods are provided. Two mGluR5 PET tracers, [11C]ABP688 and [18F]PSS232, were translated in our GMP labs and evaluated in human subjects. The newly developed GluN2B PET tracer [11C]Me-NB1 is currently being investigated in a first-in-human PET study and several F-18 labeled tracers are being evaluated in non-human primates in which the first-in-class will be translated for human studies.Due to its long half-life of 2.111×105 y, technetium, i.e.99Tc, offers the excellent opportunity of combining fundamental and ' classical ' organometallic or coordination chemistry with all methodologies of radiochemistry. Technetium chemistry is inspired by the applications of its short-lived metastable isomer 99mTc in molecular imaging and radiopharmacy. We present in this article examples about these contexts and the impact of purely basic oriented research on practical applications. This review shows how the chemistry of this element in the middle of the periodic system inspires the chemistry of neighboring elements such as rhenium. Reasons are given for the frequent observation that the chemistries of 99Tc and 99mTc are often not identical, i.e. compounds accessible for 99mTc, under certain conditions, are not accessible for 99Tc. The article emphasizes the importance of macroscopic technetium chemistry not only for research but also for advanced education in the general fields of radiochemistry.The synthesis, characterisation and application of radiolabelled compounds for use in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine requires a diverse skill set. This article highlights a selection of our ongoing projects that aim to provide new synthetic methods and radiochemical tools for building molecular imaging agents with various radionuclides.The concept of targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) is the accurate and efficient delivery of radiation to disseminated cancer lesions while minimizing damage to healthy tissue and organs. Critical aspects for successful development of novel radiopharmaceuticals for TRT are i) the identification and characterization of suitable targets expressed on cancer cells; ii) the selection of chemical or biological molecules which exhibit high affinity and selectivity for the cancer cell-associated target; iii) the selection of a radionuclide with decay properties that suit the properties of the targeting molecule and the clinical purpose. The Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (CRS) at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland is privileged to be situated close to unique infrastructure for radionuclide production (high energy accelerators and a neutron source) and access to C/B-type laboratories including preclinical, nuclear imaging equipment and Swissmedic-certified laboratories for the preparation of drug samples for human use. These favorable circumstances allow production of non-standard radionuclides, exploring their biochemical and pharmacological features and effects for tumor therapy and diagnosis, while investigating and characterizing new targeting structures and optimizing these aspects for translational research on radiopharmaceuticals. In close collaboration with various clinical partners in Switzerland, the most promising candidates are translated to clinics for 'first-in-human' studies. This article gives an overview of the research activities at CRS in the field of TRT by the presentation of a few selected projects.