No significant effect of the treatment on the residual stress was found.Planting wildflowers is a commonly suggested measure to conserve pollinators. While beneficial for pollinators, plots of wildflowers may be inadvertently performing an ecosystem disservice by providing a suitable habitat for arthropod disease vectors like ticks. The lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (L.), is a medically important tick species that might be able to utilize wildflower plantings as a suitable habitat. In this two-year study, ticks were sampled using dry ice baited traps from wildflower plots, weedy field margins, and forested areas to determine if wildflower plantings were increasing the on-farm abundance of A. americanum. Abiotic and biotic environmental variables were also measured to better understand which factors affect A. americanum abundance. We found no more A. americanum in wildflower plots than in weedy field margins. Forested areas harbored the greatest number of A. americanum sampled. The height of the vegetation in the sampled habitats was a significant factor in determining A. americanum abundance. Depending on the sampled habitat and life stage, this relationship can be positive or negative. The relationship with vegetation height may be related to the behavior of the white-tailed deer and the questing success of A. americanum. Overall, wildflower plots do not pose an increased risk of exposure to A. americanum on farms.When non-human animals are labeled as 'pests', their moral status and welfare seem relatively unimportant. In a multi-stakeholder project, we develop an assessment frame for a more responsible rodent management that includes animal welfare. An online survey among 129 Dutch pest controllers was carried out in order to find out more about pest controllers' attitudes about animal welfare. Respondents indicate to consider animal welfare in their job. They see differences in the welfare impact of different rodent control methods. A dilemma may occur when methods with a high impact, such as rodenticides, are ofttimes used in practice. Respondents also indicate that in different real-life scenarios (the hospital kitchen vs. the private backyard), a different weight may be attributed to the importance of animal welfare. Almost half of the respondents encounter difficulties when weighing animals against human interests. The problems are mainly related to clients who are not willing to invest sufficient money in preventive methods, where respondents do believe in. Some differences were found between respondents depending on membership of a professional association for pest controllers. The results of this study are relevant input for focus groups with pest controllers and their clients and for the development of the aforementioned assessment frame.Recently, heterogeneous structured metals have attracted extensive interest due to their exciting mechanical properties. In this work, an AlN/Al nanocomposite with heterogeneous distribution of AlN nanoparticles was successfully prepared by a liquid-solid reaction method combined with subsequent extrusion deformation, which behaves an excellent synergy of tensile strength and ductility. In order to further reveal the particle distribution evolution and the tensile property response during further deformation, a series of rolling treatments with different thickness reductions under room temperature and 300 °C was carried out. The results show that the yield strength and tensile strength of the composites increase significantly from 238 MPa, 312 MPa to 312 MPa, 360 MPa after 85% rolling reduction at 300 °C. While the elongation decreased from 15.5% to 9.8%. It is also noticed that the elongation and tensile strength of the nanocomposites increases simultaneously with increasing deformation. It is considered that the aluminum matrix strengthening effect accounts for the strength enhancement. The AlN spatial distribution in the matrix becomes more homogeneous gradually during the rolling, which is supposed to reduce the stress concentration between the particle and matrix and then promote the ductility increase.The extensive use of chromium by several industries conducts to the discharge of an immense quantity of its various forms in the environment which affects drastically the ecological and biological lives especially in the case of hexavalent chromium. Electrochemical sensors and biosensors are useful devices for chromium determination. In the last five years, several sensors based on the modification of electrode surface by different nanomaterials (fluorine tin oxide, titanium dioxide, carbon nanomaterials, metallic nanoparticles and nanocomposite) and biosensors with different biorecognition elements (microbial fuel cell, bacteria, enzyme, DNA) were employed for chromium monitoring. Herein, recent advances related to the use of electrochemical approaches for measurement of trivalent and hexavalent chromium from 2015 to 2020 are reported. A discussion of both chromium species detections and speciation studies is provided.High-linear-energy-transfer (LET) radiation is more lethal than similar doses of low-LET radiation types, probably a result of the condensed energy deposition pattern of high-LET radiation. Here, we compare high-LET α-particle to low-LET X-ray irradiation and monitor double-strand break (DSB) processing. Live-cell microscopy was used to monitor DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), marked by p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1). In addition, the accumulation of the endogenous 53BP1 and replication protein A (RPA) DSB processing proteins was analyzed by immunofluorescence. In contrast to α-particle-induced 53BP1 foci, X-ray-induced foci were resolved quickly and more dynamically as they showed an increase in 53BP1 protein accumulation and size. In addition, the number of individual 53BP1 and RPA foci was higher after X-ray irradiation, while focus intensity was higher after α-particle irradiation. Interestingly, 53BP1 foci induced by α-particles contained multiple RPA foci, suggesting multiple individual resection events, which was not observed after X-ray irradiation. We conclude that high-LET α-particles cause closely interspaced DSBs leading to high local concentrations of repair proteins. Our results point toward a change in DNA damage processing toward DNA end-resection and homologous recombination, possibly due to the depletion of soluble protein in the nucleoplasm. The combination of closely interspaced DSBs and perturbed DNA damage processing could be an explanation for the increased relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of high-LET α-particles compared to X-ray irradiation.