After SPPT, the phenotypes of monocytes from the patient with LpX were similar to control monocytes. Incubation with plasma from the patient before treatment as compared with plasma from the control participant or the patient after treatment increased CD11c expression and adhesion of monocytes from a healthy participant. LpX-induced hypercholesterolemia increased lipid accumulation and altered the phenotype of monocytes, which may contribute to cutaneous xanthoma development. Removal of LpX by SPPT reduced lipid accumulation and improved monocyte phenotype, likely contributing to xanthoma resolution. LpX-induced hypercholesterolemia increased lipid accumulation and altered the phenotype of monocytes, which may contribute to cutaneous xanthoma development. Removal of LpX by SPPT reduced lipid accumulation and improved monocyte phenotype, likely contributing to xanthoma resolution. Adherence to statin medications is suboptimal; however, the association of statin adherence, as defined in medication adherence quality measures, with healthcare service use and expenditure within one year has not been assessed in a commercially insured United States (US) population. To investigate the relationship between statin adherence, as specified in the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) statin medication adherence quality measure, and healthcare resource utilization and expenditures within commercial health plans over a one-year period. This one-year retrospective analysis involved a cohort of individuals from the Truven Health MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Research Databases (2009-2015). Generalized linear models with log link and negative binomial distribution (use) or gamma distribution (expenditures) were used to assess relationships between medication adherence (≥80% proportion of days covered) and healthcare use and expenditures (adjusted to 2015 US dollars) while adjusting for , and lower total expenditures than nona