Moreover, this anode reached an approximation of 100% ICE after only three cycles and maintains this level in subsequent cycles. This design of flexible nanotemplated platform wrapped micron-sized PSi anode provides a steerable nanoengineering strategy toward conquering the challenge of long-term reliable LIB application.We demonstrate a versatile nanoparticle with imaging-guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy and EpCAM-targeted delivery of liver tumor cells. EpCAM antibody (anti-EpCAM) and Pt(IV) were grafted onto the polydopamine carbon dots (PDA-CDs) by the amidation reaction. The EpCAM antibody of particles enables the targeted interaction with liver progenitor cells due to their overexpressed EpCAM protein. The tetravalent platinum prodrug [Pt(IV)] induces apoptosis with minimum toxic side effects through the interaction between cisplatin and tumor cell DNA. The nanoparticles displayed stable photothermal property and considerable anti-tumor therapeutic effect in vivo. Coupling with cellular imaging due to their fluorescence property, anti-EpCAM@PDA-CDs@Pt(IV) offers a convenient and effective platform for imaging-guided chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy toward liver cancers in the near future.A plethora of applications using polysaccharides have been developed in recent years due to their availability as well as their frequent nontoxicity and biodegradability. These polymers are usually obtained from renewable sources or are byproducts of industrial processes, thus, their use is collaborative in waste management and shows promise for an enhanced sustainable circular economy. Regarding the development of novel delivery systems for biotherapeutics, the potential of polysaccharides is attractive for the previously mentioned properties and also for the possibility of chemical modification of their structures, their ability to form matrixes of diverse architectures and mechanical properties, as well as f