The Drug Enforcement Administration has agreed to publish a proposed rule that, if approved, would give nurses the legal authority to contact the pharmacy on behalf of the prescriber concerning controlled substances.Advanced age is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality from influenza. Immunization is the best option to protect individuals against influenza and its complications. Older people are less likely than their younger counterparts to mount an appropriate immune response to influenza vaccines. The adjuvanted inactivated influenza vaccine quadrivalent (aIIV4) is designed to elicit a more robust immune response in older people compared with traditional inactivated influenza vaccines. The aIIV4 is indicated for active immunization against influenza caused by influenza virus subtypes A and types B contained in the vaccine and is licensed by the Food and Drug Administration for use in persons 65 years of age and older. The aIIV4 should be administered by intramuscular injection. Like other influenza vaccines, aIIV4 carries a warning regarding the occurrence of Guillain-Barré syndrome. The most common adverse reactions associated with aIIV4 are injection site pain, fatigue, headache, arthralgia, and myalgia.BACKGROUND Oseltamivir is an effective agent for both the treatment and prevention of influenza, and its use is increasing. The package insert indicates that delirium and delirium-like events have been reported with the use of oseltamivir during postmarketing surveillance. The reports of neuropsychiatric events associated with oseltamivir are mainly in younger patients. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of oseltamivirassociated neuropsychiatric events occurring with oseltamivir prophylaxis in an older adult. CONCLUSION We hope that our case report highlights the importance of careful consideration when prescribing oseltamivir prophylaxis in older people with or without previous history of neurocognitive disorder.In this case, a 93-year-old woman declines rapidly following glossectomy surgery and experiences rapid weight loss. She becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative and is diagnosed as failure to thrive and potentially cognitively impaired. The eventual explanation for her decline is unexpected, surprising-and counterintuitive. This case illustrates the importance of investigating every aspect of medication use related to outcomes including medication administration, therapeutics, and health system dynamics.Skin tears are a common occurrence in older people, though many are unfamiliar with them until late in life. These painful wounds are more likely to occur with age as the skin experiences age-related changes. Numerous factors including declining dermal thickness and loss of elasticity contribute to their development. Risk increases in patients who need assistance with activities of daily living or who need help transferring from bed or chair. Polypharmacy is a risk factor. Prevention is the best approach, but once skin tears develop, treatment needs to be tailored to the tear's grade.One of the greatest innovations in health care has been the development of vaccines and immunization programs that have significantly minimized the morbidity and mortality resulting from vaccine preventable diseases. While vaccines were traditionally used against infectious diseases, recent advances in technology have led to the development of vaccines for noncommunicable diseases and chronic conditions. Vaccinations are considered the most cost-effective intervention in public health that has the potential to save millions of lives every year. Despite the availability and effectiveness of vaccines for many diseases, immunization programs, and service uptake remain underused in many countries. This is mainly because of the lack of easy access to vaccinations, risk-benefit perceptions, false beliefs, and concerns about the side effects. Vaccine hesitancy-the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate, is listed as one of the top 10 threats to global health.Vaccination is a global imperative, and the pharmacy profession must be prepared. International pharmacy organizations defined the administration of medicines, vaccines, and injectable medications as a key role of our profession. Vaccines are second only to clean water in terms of their impact on public health.In this edition of The Senior Care Pharmacist, we publish a variety of contributions addressing the issue of vaccination. As the Northern Hemisphere enters the autumn/fall period, this matter assumes a renewed significance, with the rollout of immunization as a preventive strategy for the benefit of both individual patients and the wider community. It is, perhaps, ironic that though effective vaccination services are now available for a range of communicable diseases such as influenza, and that these have only become relatively recently available in the course of medical history, health care workers promoting this approach now face a different problem that has sometimes been referred to as "vaccine hesitance."Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a highly contagious eye disease, the prediction of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis is very important to prevent and grasp its development trend. We use the exponential smoothing model and the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model to analyse and predict. The monthly incidence data from 2004 to 2017 were used to fit two models, the actual incidence of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in 2018 was used to validate the model. Finally, the prediction effect of exponential smoothing is best, the mean square error and the mean absolute percentage error were 0.0152 and 0.1871, respectively. In addition, the incidence of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Chongqing had a seasonal trend characteristic, with the peak period from June to September each year. To identify and synthesise the literature on the cost of mental disorders. Systematic literature searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, EconLit, NHS York Database and PsychInfo using key terms for cost and mental disorders. Searches were restricted to January 1980-May 2019. The inclusion criteria were (1) cost-of-illness studies or cost-analyses; (2) diagnosis of at least one mental disorder; (3) study population based on the general population; (4) outcome in monetary units. The systematic review was preregistered on PROSPERO (ID CRD42019127783). In total, 13 579 potential titles and abstracts were screened and 439 full-text articles were evaluated by two independent reviewers. Of these, 112 articles were included from the systematic searches and 31 additional articles from snowball searching, resulting in 143 included articles. Data were available from 48 countries and categorised according to nine mental disorder groups. The quality of the studies varied widely and there was a lack of studies from low- and middle-income countries and for certain types of mental disorders (e.