Speech onset delays (SOD) and language atypicalities are central aspects of the autism spectrum (AS), despite not being included in the categorical diagnosis of AS. Previous studies separating participants according to speech onset history have shown distinct patterns of brain organization and activation in perceptual tasks. One major white matter tract, the arcuate fasciculus (AF), connects the posterior temporal and left frontal language regions. Here, we used anatomical brain imaging to investigate the properties of the AF in adolescent and adult autistic individuals with typical levels of intelligence who differed by age of speech onset. The left AF of the AS group showed a significantly smaller volume than that of the nonautistic group. Such a reduction in volume was only present in the younger group. This result was driven by the autistic group without SOD (SOD-), despite their typical age of speech onset. The autistic group with SOD (SOD+) showed a more typical AF as adults relative to matched controls. This suggests that, along with multiple studies in AS-SOD+ individuals, atypical brain reorganization is observable in the 2 major AS subgroups and that such reorganization applies mostly to the language regions in SOD- and perceptual regions in SOD+ individuals.Cardiovascular exercise (CE) is an evidence-based healthy lifestyle strategy. Yet, little is known about its effects on brain and cognition in young adults. Furthermore, evidence supporting a causal path linking CE to human cognitive performance via neuroplasticity is currently lacking. To understand the brain networks that mediate the CE-cognition relationship, we conducted a longitudinal, controlled trial with healthy human participants to compare the effects of a 2-week CE intervention against a non-CE control group on cognitive performance. Concomitantly, we used structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the neural mechanisms mediating between CE and cognition. On the behavioral level, we found that CE improved sustained attention, but not processing speed or short-term memory. Using graph theoretical measures and statistical mediation analysis, we found that a localized increase in eigenvector centrality in the left middle frontal gyrus, probably reflecting changes within an attention-related network, conveyed the effect of CE on cognition. Finally, we found CE-induced changes in white matter microstructure that correlated with intrinsic connectivity changes (intermodal correlation). These results suggest that CE is a promising intervention strategy to improve sustained attention via brain plasticity in young, healthy adults.For our precise motor control, we should consider "motor context," which involves the flow from feedforward to feedback control. The present study focused on corticomuscular coherence (CMC) to physiologically evaluate how the sensorimotor integration is modulated in a series of movements depending on the motor context. We evaluated CMC between electroencephalograms over the sensorimotor cortex and rectified electromyograms from the tibialis anterior muscle during intermittent contractions with 2 contraction intensities in 4 experiments. Although sustained contractions with weak-to-moderate intensities led to no difference in CMC between intensities, intermittent ballistic-and-hold contractions with 2 intensities (10% and 15% or 25% of the maximal voluntary contraction, MVC) presented in a randomized order resulted in greater magnitude of CMC for the weaker intensity. Moreover, the relative amount of initial error was larger for trials with 10% of MVC, which indicated that initial motor output was inaccurate during weaker contractions. However, this significant difference in CMC vanished in the absence of trial randomization or the application of intermittent ramp-and-hold contractions with slower torque developments. Overall, CMC appears to be modulated context-dependently and is especially enhanced when active sensorimotor integration is required in feedback control periods because of the complexity and inaccuracy of preceding motor control.Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disease characterized by dysfunction of the hypocretin system in brain causing disruption in the wake-promoting system. In addition to sleep attacks and cataplexy, patients with narcolepsy commonly report cognitive symptoms while objective deficits in sustained attention and executive function have been observed. Prior resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies in narcolepsy have reported decreased inter/intranetwork connectivity regarding the default mode network (DMN). Recently developed fast fMRI data acquisition allows more precise detection of brain signal propagation with a novel dynamic lag analysis. In this study, we used fast fMRI data to analyze dynamics of inter resting-state network (RSN) information signaling between narcolepsy type 1 patients (NT1, n = 23) and age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC, n = 23). We investigated dynamic connectivity properties between positive and negative peaks and, furthermore, their anticorrelative (pos-neg) counterparts. The lag distributions were significantly (P less then  0.005, familywise error rate corrected) altered in 24 RSN pairs in NT1. The DMN was involved in 83% of the altered RSN pairs. We conclude that narcolepsy type 1 is characterized with delayed and monotonic inter-RSN information flow especially involving anticorrelations, which are known to be characteristic behavior of the DMN regarding neurocognition.In typical spatial orienting tasks, the perception of crossmodal (e.g., audiovisual) stimuli evokes greater pupil dilation and microsaccade inhibition than unisensory stimuli (e.g., visual). The characteristic pupil dilation and microsaccade inhibition has been observed in response to "salient" events/stimuli. Although the "saliency" account is appealing in the spatial domain, whether this occurs in the temporal context remains largely unknown. Here, in a brief temporal scale (within 1 s) and with the working mechanism of involuntary temporal attention, we investigated how eye metric characteristics reflect the temporal dynamics of perceptual organization, with and without multisensory integration. We adopted the crossmodal freezing paradigm using the classical Ternus apparent motion. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Irinotecan-Hcl-Trihydrate-Campto.html Results showed that synchronous beeps biased the perceptual report for group motion and triggered the prolonged sound-induced oculomotor inhibition (OMI), whereas the sound-induced OMI was not obvious in a crossmodal task-free scenario (visual localization without audiovisual integration).