3 m.Based on 98 Chinese pine (Pinus tabuliformis) tree-ring width data, normalized diffe-rence vegetation index (NDVI) data and land cover data in the Helan Mountains, we used VS-oscilloscope model to simulate the radial growth process of Chinese pine and to examine the relationship between vegetation canopy phenology and tree cambium phenology. Results showed that the end of season (EOS) of the vegetation canopy was significantly correlated with the EOS of the Chinese pine cambium. Such correlation was stronger than that between grassland and cambium. The start of season (SOS) and EOS of Chinese pine were related to the averaged minimum temperature in May-June and August-September, respectively. When the average minimum temperature in May-June increased by 1 ℃, SOS would be advanced by 4.3 days. The averaged minimum temperature in August-September increased by 1 ℃, EOS would be delayed by 2.6 days. The correlation between the phenology of vegetation canopy and the phenology of the cambium in Chinese pine differed among vegetation types. Simulating tree growth dynamics only through a tree-ring physiology model might lead to biased results. Using remote sensing monitoring data to combine canopy development and cambium growth would help to more accurately understand tree growth dynamics.Based on the high resolution record of fossil pollen data from a 190 cm sediment profile collected in a Betula microphylla-dominated wetland of Ebinur Lake in Xinjiang, we aimed to reveal the changes of vegetation and environment in this wetland over the past 3900 years. Results showed that, in the period between 3420 cal. aBP and 3940 cal. aBP, this area was a desert landscape dominated by plants from Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia. During the period of 2830-3420 cal. aBP, this area became a desert steppe dominated by Thelypteris palustris, surrounded by desert plants mainly composed of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia. In the period between 2640 and 2830 cal. aBP, Typha pollen increased and occupied a dominant position. The area thus became a typical desert intrazonal wetland mainly composed of Typha. In the period between 1200 and 2640 cal. aBP, Phragmites australis began to grow vigorously and became the dominant species. In the period between 660 and 1200 cal. aBP, the population of Betula expanded rapidly, and P. australis plants continued to grow. During the period of 340-660 cal. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/capsazepine.html aBP, the population of B. microphylla became the dominant species, and the abundance of P. australis decreased. However, there was still some P. australis wetlands in the area. Over the past 340 years, as the area of wetlands decreased and the surface water gradually declined, B. microphylla had grown on swampy meadow soils with suitable moisture conditions. In the past 200 years especially, the sharp increases of Chenopodiaceae pollen in palynological assemblage was closely related to the enhancement of human activities and climate change, resulting in the degradation of wetlands and endangerment of B. microphylla. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the protection of wetlands and endangered species in this area.Surface wetness of Yuanchi peatland in the Changbai Mountains were reconstructed by comprehensive analysis on plant residue, testate amoeba and humification, using the age-depth model established with AMS 14C and 137Cs dating methods. The response of surface wetness to climate change was addressed. Results showed that plant residues in the top 50 cm of peat sequence were dominated by mosses. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of plant residue revealed that axis 1 of DCA biplot might represent mire surface wetness (MSW). MSW from 1962 to 2008 as indicated by axis 1 scores of DCA on plant residue were compared with depths to water table derived by testate amoebae-DWT transfer function and humification measurements, and the results showed that the trends of MSW reconstructed by three proxies were largely consistent. They were wetter MSW from 40-50 cm (1962 to 1975), 27-40 cm (fluctuating from wet to dry from 1975 to 1987), and 0-27 cm (drier from 1987 to 2008). Compared with instrumental data from nearby Erdao weather station, the reconstructed MSW was basically consistent with temperature change in this period. The decreases of MSW occurred when mean summer temperature and mean annual temperature were higher than long-term mean value. Our results suggest that the variability in MSW in the recent 46 years predominantly responded weakening of effective precipitation induced by increasing temperature.Modern phytolith research is the premise to accurately reconstruct the regional paleovegetation and paleoclimate. It is thus particularly important to study the spatial distribution characteristics of the phytolith assemblages and the response of the phytolith to environmental factors. In this study, we collected 54 topsoil samples along the isohyet of 600 mm in Northeast China to examine the distribution patterns of phytolith along the gradient of single environmental factor. With this special sampling method, we targeted to reveal the responses of phytolith assemblages in the topsoil to the variation of temperature. The results showed that there were a large number of phytoliths with various morphotypes in the 54 topsoil samples in Northeast China. The phytolith morphotypes were the same, including elongate, lanceolate, blocky, cuneiform, tabular, saddle, rondel, bilobate, trapeziform polylobate, prism, silicified stomata, conduit, papillae, sclereid and carinate. In gene-ral, the contributions of elongate re significant diffe-rences among the three regions. There were significant negative correlations between the percentages of elongate, lanceolate, prism and the annual average temperature, and positive relationships between the percentages of the blocky, tabular, cuneiform, bilobate, papillae and the annual average temperature. However, the percentage of saddle, rondel and trapeziform polylobate did not change with increasing annual average temperature.The Quaternary sediment in the Ningbo Coastal Plain was the deposit due to sea-land interaction, which recorded information of past climate changes. The region is therefore an ideal area to study paleoclimate changes and sedimentary characteristics. We determined the stratigraphic division and paleoenvironmental evolution based on 14C and paleomagnetic dating, along with detailed analyses of lithology, pollen assemblage, foraminifera and ostracodes assemblage, and grain size of sediment in core Z02 located in the southeastern Ningbo Coastal Plain. The results showed that the boundary between the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene in the core Z02 record was at 30.5 m, the boundary between the Upper and Middle Pleistocene was at 82.65 m, and the boundary between the Quaternary and Lower Cretaceous was at 90 m. The Middle Pleistocene section of the core contained few sediments, while the Lower Pleistocene section was completely missed. During the late Pleistocene, the hydrodynamic conditions experienced energy levels of medium to medium low to medium, and sedimentary facies changed from alluvial lake to overbank to river to lake to alluvial lake to lake to overbank.