Wenngleich Videosprechstunden in der UV-GoÄ bisher noch nicht abgebildet werden, existieren doch inhaltlich vergleichbare Abrechnungsziffern für andere Leistungen. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Videosprechstunden bieten das Potenzial, sowohl die Qualität des berufsgenossenschaftlichen Heilverfahrens zu verbessern als auch zu einer Kostensenkung beizutragen. Da mit einer zunehmenden Bedeutung von Videosprechstunden zu rechnen ist, sollten Videosprechstunden als Regelleistung in das berufsgenossenschaftliche Heilverfahren aufgenommen und adäquate Abrechnungsmöglichkeiten erarbeitet werden.Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is a clinical-radiologic diagnosis that affects children and adolescents, but it is much more frequently reported in adults. Clinically, patients present with severe and commonly recurrent thunderclap headaches. Typical precipitating triggers include vasoactive substances, serotonergic agents, and the postpartum period. There may be associated neurologic complications at presentation or in the weeks following, such as convexity subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, cerebral edema, cervical artery dissection (CeAD), and seizures. Angiographically, the cerebral arteries demonstrate segmental vasoconstriction and dilation, although imaging early in the clinical course may be normal. Work-up is performed to exclude intracranial disorders such as vasculitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm, meningitis, and intracranial venous sinus thrombosis. Within 1 month of initial symptom onset, clinical symptoms such as severe headache have ceased, and within 3 months, the cerebral vasoconstriction is much improved or resolved. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/smip34.html Management involves avoidance of precipitating triggers and potentially short-term pharmacotherapy with calcium channel blockers for patients with associated neurologic complications. Steroids are not recommended and may worsen the clinical outcome. Prognosis is excellent in the large majority of patients, and only 5% of patients experience a recurrence of RCVS. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a manifestation of perinatal asphyxial insult that continues to evolve over days to weeks following the initial injury. Therapeutic hypothermia has demonstrated that a proportion of this secondary brain injury may indeed be preventable. However, therapeutic hypothermia has also altered the prognostic utility of many bedside tools that are commonly used as predictors of long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in HIE. Clinicians are often confronted with uncertainty when assessing the prognosis of infants with HIE. Improved understanding of the implications and limitations of individual investigations may inform clinical decisions and allow for timely intervention. This review summarizes the predictive value of currently available prognostic markers in HIE infants in the therapeutic hypothermia era, including clinical, biochemical, neurophysiological, physiological, and neuroimaging predictors. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Movement disorders in childhood can be difficult to diagnose early. Disease processes present variably and can mimic each other. It is particularly important to remain vigilant for the subset of these movement disorders that are treatable. These disorders can be managed with (1) treatments specific to the disease that substantially reduce symptoms; (2) treatments that can prevent progression; (3) treatments that can hasten recovery; or (4) surveillance and management of the associated, sometimes life-threatening, comorbidities. Here, we present a practical and phenomenology-oriented framework for diagnosing and managing these treatable movement disorders of infancy and early childhood. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.in English, German ZIEL  Ein plötzlicher Funktionsverlust der Vestibularnerven wird meist als Neuronitis vestibularis (NV) bezeichnet, auch wenn die entzündliche Genese, aber auch der exakte Ort der Schädigung unklar sind. Die Therapie ist daher meist ungezielt symptomatisch. Daher sollte überprüft werden, ob nach einer NV mit persistierendem vestibulärem Ausfall eine Atrophie des Nervus vestibularis nachweisbar ist. MATERIAL UND METHODEN  Nach positivem Votum der Ethikkommission und in Übereinstimmung mit der Erklärung von Helsinki und Aufklärung und Einverständnis wurden je 10 Patienten mit gesichertem vestibulärem Defizit und 10 Alters-gematchte gesunde Kontrollpersonen eingeschlossen. Hochauflösende (0,2 mm in plane) Darstellung des inneren Gehörgangs erfolgte mit einer 3D-CISS-Sequenz in einem 3T-MRT. Der Verlauf der Nerven wurde im 3D-Datensatz rekonstruiert und als Messpunkt die Lage 60 % lateral im Meatus acusticus internus bestimmt. Die Querschnittsflächen wurden separat von 2 bezüglich der Klinik genter dem homogenen klinischen Bild stecken. KERNAUSSAGEN   · Hochauflösendes MRT kann die Atrophie des Nervus vestibularis superior nachweisen.. · Nur die Hälfte der 10 untersuchten Patienten nach Neuritis vestibularis zeigte jedoch eine starke Atrophie.. · Daher sollte weiter nach unterschiedlicher Ätiologie der klinisch homogen erscheinenden Erkrankung gesucht werden..Irisin is a recently discovered exercise-induced myokine that has been attributed the role of favoring white-to-brown adipose tissue trans-differentiation. We confirmed in a population-based cohort that irisin serum concentrations are independently correlated with the habitual level of physical activity, but we also observed an independent correlation with serum concentrations of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), thus suggesting that inflammation may influence irisin production. In order to investigate the association between irisin and inflammation, we measured serum irisin concentrations in a group of inflamed inpatients. We hypothesized that if an association between irisin and inflammation exists, severely inflamed patients, even though physically inactive, might also exhibit high serum irisin levels. We recruited 40 consecutive markedly inflamed inpatients on the basis of serum CRP levels. Their irisin serum concentrations (Phoenix Europe, Germany) were compared with those obtained in the population-based cohort of the ABCD_2 study (Alimentazione, Benessere Cardiovascolare e Diabete) (ISRCTN15840340).