Sichuan pepper is a commonly used spice in Asian cuisine. Sanshools and wgx-50/gx-50 isolated from it have been shown to possess a wide spectrum of medicinal properties. Here we generated a chromosome-level genome assembly of one Sichuan pepper species Zanthoxylum armatum characterized by drought tolerance and apomixis. Analyses of functionally related genes suggested that increased gene copy number and expression level of drought-tolerant genes might play an important role in improving drought tolerance of Z. armatum. Moreover, a gene encoding an RWP-RK domain-containing protein was shown to contribute to apomixis in Z. armatum, which was further characterized by overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Furthermore, based on gene homology searching and co-expression patterns of metabolite concentration and gene expressions, we identified a number of candidate genes involved in the biosynthesis of sanshools and wgx-50/gx-50. Taken together, our results yield valuable insights for understanding the evolution of apomixis, drought tolerance, and alkaloid biosynthesis in Z. armatum. Iron released from lysed red blood cells within the hematoma plays a role in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH)-related neurotoxicity. This study utilizes magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the time course, extent of erythrolysis, and its correlation with perihematomal iron accumulation and white matter loss. The feasibility of assessing proportional erythrolysis using T2* MRI was examined using pig blood phantoms with specified degrees of erythrolysis. Fifteen prospectively enrolled ICH patients had MRIs (3-Tesla) at days 1-3, 14, and 30 (termed early, subacute, and late periods, respectively). Measurement was performed on T2*, 1/T2*, and fractional anisotropy (FA) maps. Pig blood phantoms showed a linear relationship between 1/T2* signal and percent erythrolysis. MRI on patients showed an increase in erythrolysis within the hematoma betwe