Both foveal and peripheral contour interactions are based on, as yet, unexplained neural mechanisms. Our results show that, unlike foveal contour interaction, peripheral contour interaction cannot be explained on the basis of the antagonistic structure of neural receptive fields. Foveal contour interaction is markedly reduced for mesopic compared with photopic targets. This finding is consistent with an explanation based on the antagonistic structure of neural receptive fields. However, no reduction was found for low-luminance targets in the periphery, possibly because the luminances used previously remained substantially above peripheral scotopic detection thresholds. In this study, we compared foveal and peripheral contour interactions for long-wavelength photopic and mesopic targets, which would be expected to significantly elevate the peripheral retinal detection threshold. Five normal observers viewed a randomly selected Sloan letter surrounded by four flanking bars at several edge-to-edge separation. Our results indicate that, although the characteristics of foveal contour interaction can be accounted for by the antagonistic structure of neural receptive fields, the same mechanism is not compatible with the characteristics of peripheral contour interaction. The options that can help patients with congenital color vision defect, to a better professional and leisure adaptation, are very limited. Different haploscopic lenses can be considered, and their effects need to be investigated in patients with different defects. The purpose of this study was to present and discuss the effect of a pair of asymmetric long-pass filters fitted for deuteranopia, with the result of a 60% improvement in distinguishing red-green plates when compared with baseline. We report the case of a 51-year-old man with congenital deuteranopia fitted with haploscopic ChromaGen filters. During the 2-month follow-up, we observed a decrease in left-eye logMAR visual acuity and contrast sensitivity with an increased ability to discriminate the plates of different color vision tests (Ishihara, Farnsworth, and Hardy-Rand-Rittler). The visual outcomes are discussed considering the spectral sensitivity curves of each filter, measured with a spectrophotometric device. This report describes an io improve the color discrimination in deutan color vision deficiency. The simultaneous analysis of the color vision outcomes and transmittance spectrum of the haploscopic filters might contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the claimed efficacy of these devices. Ocular tilt reaction (OTR) is an abnormal eye-head postural reaction that consists of skew deviation, head tilt, and bilateral ocular torsion. Understanding of the pathway of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is essential because this will help to localize the pathology. The aim of this study was to report a case of OTR with contralateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) and fifth and seventh cranial nerve palsies. A 51-year-old gentleman with underlying diabetes mellitus presented with sudden onset of diplopia for 3 days. On examination, his visual acuity was 20/30 bilaterally without a relative afferent pupillary defect. He had a right OTR consisting of a right head tilt, a skew deviation with a left eye hypertropia, and bilateral ocular torsion (right excyclotorsion and left incyclotorsion) with nystagmus. He also had a left adduction deficit and right abduction nystagmus consistent with a left INO. Ocular examination revealed evidence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy bilaterally. Two days aftlateral to the OTR should be considered. Neuroimaging study can hence be targeted to identify the possible cause. The OTR can be ipsilateral to the lesion if the lesion is before the decussation of the VOR pathway in the pons, or it can be contralateral to the lesion if the lesion is after the decussation. In case of an OTR that is associated with contralateral INO and other contralateral cranial nerves palsy, a pathology in the pons that is contralateral to the OTR should be considered. Neuroimaging study can hence be targeted to identify the possible cause. This review summarizes the main factors of refractive error after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery.The post-operative refractive results of silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery are closely related to the patient's future vision quality. This report summarizes the factors that influence the difference between the actual post-operative refractive power and the pre-operatively predicted refractive power after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery, including axial length, anterior chamber depth, silicone oil, commonly used tools for measuring intraocular lens power, and intraocular lens power calculation formulas, among others. The aim of the report is to assist clinical and scientific research on the elimination of refractive error after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery. This review summarizes the main factors of refractive error after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery.The post-operative refractive results of silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery are closely related to the patient's future vision quality. This report summarizes the factors that influence the difference between the actual post-operative refractive power and the pre-operatively predicted refractive power after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery, including axial length, anterior chamber depth, silicone oil, commonly used tools for measuring intraocular lens power, and intraocular lens power calculation formulas, among others. The aim of the report is to assist clinical and scientific research on the elimination of refractive error after silicone oil removal combined with cataract surgery. The prevalence of low-back pain (LBP) in adolescents ranges from 7 to 72%. We aimed to define the radiologic characteristics of the lumbar spine in children and adolescents with LBP with/without leg pain. Two hundred and fourteen children and adolescents, who were born between 2001 and 2009 and had lumbar spine MRI for LBP with/without leg pain, were evaluated in terms of intervertebral disc degeneration (IVDD), end-plates and paraspinal muscle changes on lumbar spine MRIs. Severe IVDD was detected at all lumbar levels except for L2-L3. Modic changes were present in 4.2% of the patients. Modic changes were more common in patients with severe IVDD than in those with mild-to-moderate IVDD. Severe IVDD was significantly associated with Modic changes at the corresponding L1-L2 and L3-L4 disc levels. Girls had significantly more fatty infiltration in the paraspinal muscles when compared to boys. The risk of having severe IVDD concomitant with Modic changes was high [odds ratio (OR), 8.6]. The OR was 20.7 for predicting the presence of severe IVDD at any level if Modic changes presented particularly at the L3-L4 level.