Epigenetic factors translate environmental signals into stable outcomes, but how they are influenced by regulators of plasticity remain unclear. We previously showed that androgen receptor overexpression inhibited fear memory in male mice and increased expression of the histone variant H2A.Z, a novel epigenetic regulator of memory. Here, we used conditional-inducible H2A.Z knockout mice to investigate how H2A.Z deletion influences androgenic regulation of fear memory. We showed that conditional inducible H2A.Z deletion blocked memory-enhancing effects of androgen depletion (induced by gonadectomy), and of pharmacological inhibition of the androgen receptor with flutamide. Similarly, H2A.Z deletion blocked the memory-reducing effects of DHT, and DHT treatment in cultured hippocampal neurons altered H2A.Z binding, suggesting that AR is an H2A.Z regulator in neurons. Overall, these data show that fear memory formation is regulated by interactions between *** hormones and epigenetic factors, which has implications for *** differences in fear-related disorders.Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome with multisystem involvement which leads to foetal, neonatal, and maternal morbidity and mortality. This syndrome is characterized by the onset of clinical signs and symptoms and delivery before (early-onset preeclampsia, eoPE), or after (late-onset preeclampsia, loPE), the 34 weeks of gestation. Preeclampsia is a mitochondrial disorder where its differential involvement in eoPE and loPE is unclear. Mitochondria regulate cell metabolism and are a significant source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The syncytiotrophoblast in eoPE and loPE show altered mitochondrial structure and function resulting in ROS overproduction, oxidative stress, and cell damage and death. Mitochondrial dysfunction in eoPE may result from altered expression of several molecules, including dynamin-related protein 1 and mitofusins, compared with l