How to Order Tortoise Online Tortoises are peaceful pets. They don't shed and thrive in enclosures outdoors. They also live for a long time, so purchasing or adopting a tortoise is an important decision. Many people sell their tortoises after they move away or are not able to care for them. Online orders are a great alternative. Captive-Bred Tortoises Tortoises are long-lived, are easy to take care of in a suitable habitat and are beautiful, docile animals. A low requirement for nutrition makes them a popular pet and zoo option. Tortoises that are captive-bred are a better choice than wild-caught species or endangered species. This helps ensure that these animals are kept in captivity. A tortoise breeder that sells tortoises bred in captivity, whether online or in person, will also help ensure that the tortoise was well taken by the owner. This minimizes the risk of injury or illness from stress during transportation and selling. It's also important to look at the tortoise's shell prior to you purchase it, to ensure it is in good condition and free of cracks or other obvious damage. The tortoise's shell is an essential part of the skeleton. Any damage could lead to illness or even death. The nutritional requirements of a tortoise should be taken into consideration when purchasing one. Many tortoises consume plants, so feeding them a diet high in vitamins and minerals can prevent many illnesses. In addition, tortoises require to hibernate in winter and this can be stressful for them, so keeping them in an enclosure that is warm and secure is vital. Find out the age of the tortoise, if you are thinking of purchasing one. The hatchlings are only moments away from the eggs and up to just a few weeks old. Babies can be as young as a few weeks old or up to a whole year. Sub-adults can be as young as a year old or slightly older. If you see tortoises with different ages,