Based on our analysis, it can be inferred that cortisol suppresses the magnitude of renal inflammatory response and attenuates LPS-induced immune response through GR signaling in the face of challenging environmental conditions.Prior research has shown that greater EEG alpha power (8-13 ​Hz) is characteristic of more creative individuals, and more creative task conditions. The present study investigated the potential for machine learning to classify more and less creative brain states. Participants completed an Alternate Uses Task, in which they thought of Normal or Uncommon (more creative) uses for everyday objects (e.g., brick). We hypothesized that alpha power would be greater for Uncommon (vs. Common) uses, and that a machine learning (ML) approach would enable the reliable classification data from the two conditions. Further, we expected that ML would be successful at classifying more (vs. less) creative individuals. As expected, alpha power was significantly greater for the Uncommon than for the Normal condition. Using spectrally weighted common spatial patterns to extract EEG features, and quadratic discriminant analysis, we found that classification accuracy for the two conditions varied widely among individuals, with a mean of 63.9%. For more vs. less creative individuals, 82.3% classification accuracy was attained. These findings indicate the potential for broader adoption of machine learning in creativity research.Visual object recognition seems to occur almost instantaneously. However, not only does it require hundreds of milliseconds of processing, but our eyes also typically fixate the object for hundreds of milliseconds. Consequently, information reaching our eyes at different moments is processed in the brain together. Moreover, information received at different moments during fixation is likely to be processed differently, notably because different features might be selectively attended at different moments. Here, we introduce a novel reverse correlation paradigm that allows us to uncover with millisecond precision the processing time course of specific information received on the retina at specific moments. Using faces as stimuli, we observed that processing at several electrodes and latencies was different depending on the moment at which information was received. Some of these variations were caused by a disruption occurring 160-200 ​ms after the face onset, suggesting a role of the N170 ERP component in gating information processing; others hinted at temporal compression and integration mechanisms. Importantly, the observed differences were not explained by simple adaptation or repetition priming, they were modulated by the task, and they were correlated with differences in behavior. These results suggest that top-down routines of information sampling are applied to the continuous visual input, even within a single eye fixation.In this study, we developed a multi-scale Convolutional neural network based Automated hippocampal subfield Segmentation Toolbox (CAST) for automated segmentation of hippocampal subfields. Although training CAST required approximately three days on a single workstation with a high-quality GPU card, CAST can segment a new subject in less than 1 ​min even with GPU acceleration disabled, thus this method is more time efficient than current automated methods and manual segmentation. This toolbox is highly flexible with either a single modality or multiple modalities and can be easily set up to be trained with a researcher's unique data. A 3D multi-scale deep convolutional neural network is the key algorithm used in the toolbox. The main merit of multi-scale images is the capability to capture more global structural information from down-sampled images without dramatically increasing memory and computational burden. The original images capture more local information to refine the boundary between subfields. Residupublicly available.Natural speech builds on contextual relations that can prompt predictions of upcoming utterances. To study the neural underpinnings of such predictive processing we asked 10 healthy adults to listen to a 1-h-long audiobook while their magnetoencephalographic (MEG) brain activity was recorded. We correlated the MEG signals with acoustic speech envelope, as well as with estimates of Bayesian word probability with and without the contextual word sequence (N-gram and Unigram, respectively), with a focus on time-lags. The MEG signals of auditory and sensorimotor cortices were strongly coupled to the speech envelope at the rates of syllables (4-8 ​Hz) and of prosody and intonation (0.5-2 ​Hz). The probability structure of word sequences, independently of the acoustical features, affected the ≤ 2-Hz signals extensively in auditory and rolandic regions, in precuneus, occipital cortices, and lateral and medial frontal regions. Fine-grained temporal progression patterns occurred across brain regions 100-1000 ​ms after word onsets. Although the acoustic effects were observed in both hemispheres, the contextual influences were statistically significantly lateralized to the left hemisphere. These results serve as a brain signature of the predictability of word sequences in listened continuous speech, confirming and extending previous results to demonstrate that deeply-learned knowledge and recent contextual information are employed dynamically and in a left-hemisphere-dominant manner in predicting the forthcoming words in natural speech.Life threatening fear after a single exposure evolves in a subset of vulnerable individuals to anxiety, which may persist for their lifetime. Yet neither the whole brain's response to innate acute fear nor how brain activity evolves over time is known. Sustained neuronal activity may be a factor in the development of anxiety. We couple two experimental protocols to obtain a fear response leading to anxiety. Predator stress (PS) is a naturalistic approach that induces fear in rodents; and the serotonin transporter knockout (SERT-KO) mouse responds to PS with sustained defensive behavior. Behavior was monitored before, during and at short and long times after PS in WT and SERT-KO mice. Both genotypes responded to PS with defensive behavior, and SERT-KO retained defensive behavior for 23 days, while wild type (WT) mice return to baseline exploratory behavior by 9 days. Thus, differences in neural activity between WT and SERT-KO at 9 days after PS will identify neural correlates of persistent defensive behavior. We used longitudinal manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) to identify brain-wide neural activity between behavioral sessions.