A large proportion of patients with infectious mononucleosis (IM) have abnormal liver function tests (LFT) at presentation. There is no guideline regarding the management and follow-up of these patients. Some patients also have abdominal ultrasound (US) due to deranged LFT, the need for this practice is unclear. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the evidence base on LFT assessment in IM, time to resolution of derangement, and the role of abdominal US. A systematic search of PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane library was done. Two authors independently screened records for eligibility using pre-defined criteria. We included both adult and paediatric populations. Quality assessment of included studies was done. A total of 3924 patients were included from 32 studies, of which LFT values were reported on 2779 patients. A combination of typical clinical features, heterophile antibodies and Epstein-Barr virus-specific antibodies were used to ascertain diagnosis. The following proportion of patienlities are not required in immunocompetent patients with subclinical derangement of LFT; routine US abdomen in IM to evaluate for derangement of LFT is not required.Body mapping is an arts-based research technique that uses a life-sized outline of the participant's body and symbols that visually represent their lived experiences. In this article, we describe the methods of body mapping and analytic techniques used in a research inquiry exploring how child abuse influenced the embodied processes in anorexia. We aim to contribute to methodological research practice in anorexia using a method that can potentially add value in other areas of ED research or be adapted for treatment settings. Our research findings suggest that body mapping can add value to the interview method and extend the range of methods for researchers interested in interrogating the hard-to-reach subjective embodied processes. Retinopathy of prematur