1, 9.4). When compared with nonvegetarian households, lactovegetarian households had better socioeconomic status and were more likely to consume dairy frequently. Children in nonvegetarian households consumed nondairy animal-sourced foods (ASFs) with relatively low frequency. The frequency of maternal dairy consumption was significantly associated with lower risks of child stunting and wasting. CONCLUSIONS Anthropometric outcomes differed by maternal vegetarian status, which is itself strongly associated with socioeconomic position, location, religion, and caste. Copyright © The Author(s) 2020.Large fusiform anterior cerebral artery aneurysms often require revascularization to allow for the treatment of the aneurysm and preservation of distal perfusion. The A3-A3 side-to-side anastomosis maintains ipsilateral distal perfusion. The inflow to the fusiform segment can then be clip occluded to treat the diseased vessel segment. This procedure is illustrated by the case in this video. The patient had a large right anterior cerebral artery fusiform aneurysm. An anterior interhemispheric craniotomy with the right side down was utilized for the approach. Postprocedural angiography demonstrated occlusion of the aneurysmal segment and patent distal perfusion within the ipsilateral distal segment. The patient gave informed consent for surgery and video recording. Institutional review board approval was deemed unnecessary. Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. Copyright © 2020 by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common opportunistic human fungal pathogen responsible for invasive aspergillosis. Gene manipulation is critical for the investigation of A. fumigatus biology and pathogenesis at the molecular level, and it often requires integration of the introduced DNA into the fungal genome. Here we have searched and identified two potential "saf