Periampullary adenocarcinomas are rare neoplasm that originates from the pancreatic head, the ampulla of vater, the distal bile duct or the duodenum. Surgical resection followed by adjuvant therapy is considered as the standard of care treatment for these carcinomas. Despite several advances in diagnostics and therapeutics, only 5% of these patients have an overall survival of five years or more. Currently, there is a dearth of viable therapeutic targets for this disease. The role of HER2 in cancer biology has been studied extensively in several tumour subtypes, and HER2 based targeted therapies have shown to have therapeutic benefits on different cancers. In this case report, we present a case of HER2 positive distal common bile duct carcinoma - a subtype of periampullary carcinoma with multiple relapses where multi-analyte testing with Encyclopedic Tumor Analysis (ETA) (Exacta®) identified amplification and over expression of HER2 gene which was used as a potential target to treat the patient with trastuzumab. Synchronous in vitro chemosensitivity profiling on Circulating Tumor Asscociated Cells (C-TACs) isolated from blood aided us to design the personalized chemotherapeutic regimen with cyclophosphamide and methotrexate. The combination of trastuzumab with cyclophosphamide and methotrexate yielded excellent treatment response with the patient remaining in complete response till the last follow-up. Our study suggests HER2 directed therapy as a potent pathway for treatment in the subset of HER-2 amplified distal common bile duct carcinomas.Hyperuricemia, i.e. increased serum uric acid (UA) concentration, is a common problem in clinical practice. While there are clear guidelines concerning management of symptomatic hyperuricemia in acute conditions such as gout, urolithiasis or acute urate nephropathy, less is known about their secondary prevention. Moreover, despite the ongoing debate on the role of UA in the pa