Forest soils are being exposed to nutrient deficiency and acidification at increasing rates as a result of intensive management. Mineral fertilization, however, provides a way to improve soil nutrient balance. The aim of this study is to present the effects of mineral fertilization on the properties of forest soil 11 years after fertilization. Our research investigated the effects of dolomite, magnesite and serpentinite fertilization on the physicochemical properties of the soil, soil biological activity, and fungal diversity. We also determined the condition of a new generation of fir trees after mineral fertilization. In autumn, 2008, fertilizers (dolomite, magnesite and serpentinite, specifically) in the amount of 4000 kg.ha-1 were added to plots in the Wisła Forest District in Poland; one area was left unfertilized to act as the control area for this research. Our results reveal that all fertilization improved the selected soil's physicochemical properties (pH, Ca and Mg content) and accordingly, its biochemical activity; in particular, we found that dolomite (4000 kg.ha-1) contributed heavily to soil improvement. The findings also showed that soil pH and calcium content were strongly dependent on enzymatic activity, while dolomite fertilization resulted in a significant increase in biomass size in the fir trees included in this study. In addition to being associated with the highest plant biomass and amounts of enzymatic activity, dolomite-fertilized soil also had the highest number of fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) 403, compared to 322 OTUs in the control soil. Finally, the fungal communities in the control soil varied significantly from the fungal communities in soils fertilized with dolomite and serpentinite. The results of this research support mineral fertilization, and in particular, fertilization using dolomite in amounts of 4000 kg.ha-1, to improve soil nutrient supply and to shape the biological activity expressed by the enzymatic activity of forest soils.Confident elemental composition determination of compounds in complex samples such as natural organic matter (NOM) by ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) is challenging due to the interference between multiple components in these samples during detection. Here the performance of Solarix 15T-FTICR-MS in terms of accurate relative natural isotope abundance (RIA) and mass measurements for elemental composition determination of compounds in complex samples such as NOM was systematically evaluated. The optimal sweep excitation power values ranging from 20% to 22% was found to significantly diminish the underestimation of RIA measurement for 13C1 peaks of NOM components by FTICR-MS. Random error was found to be one of the main sources for the RIA errors of 13C1 peaks with S/N ratios less then 25. The mean averaged RIA errors of less than 10% could be obtained by averaging the measured RIAs of each 13C1 peaks in five replicated runs. By adjusting the total ion abundance of NOM complex sample between 3.8-E7 and 1.4-E8 which was simultaneously similar to that of external calibrant during detection, mass errors of lower than 1 ppm for NOM components with m/z lower than 700 Da could be obtained without internal calibration. Meanwhile, a linear correlation between mass errors of ions in NOM complex sample and their m/z values could be obtained. The mass error deviation derived from the linearity was firstly used as new criterion to reduce the number of false formula candidates. A novel strategy of combination of high mass accuracy, high spectral accuracy, and mass error deviation for elemental composition determination of unknown compounds in complex sample such as NOM by FTICR-MS was proposed and applied for different complex samples. Compared to the traditional method, about one fold increasement in the number of the unique formula assignments for measured ions was obtained by using our strategy.Noble scallop Chlamys nobilis is an important marine bivalve that has been extensively cultured in the south coast of China since the 1980s. Unfortunately, since the late 1990s, the farmed scallops often suffered from regional mass mortality, which results in enormous economic losses to farmers and industries. In 2017, another mass mortality event occurred in Nan'ao Island, Shantou, China. In this study, the cause of C. nobilis mass mortality in 2017 was first investigated in the field, and then validated in a laboratory experiment. In the field, three sampling sites were selected according to the scallop mortality rate Hunter Bay (90% mortality), Baisha Bay (67% mortality) and Longhai (6% mortality). Meanwhile, environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, DO, pH and chlorophyll a) of each site were also measured in situ. Then, water and scallop samples were collected randomly for the analysis of phytoplankton diversity and algal toxin activity using 18S rDNA and PP2A inhibition assay, respectively. In laboratory, healthy scallops were challenged with Karenia mikimotoi (1 × 103 cells/mL) for 30 h. The field results showed that no significant difference in those environmental parameters existed among the three sites, but the relative abundance of K. mikimotoi in seawater and scallops' intestines in Hunter Bay and Baisha Bay was significantly higher than that in Longhai, and sick scallops contained significantly higher algal toxin activity than healthy ones. Laboratory results revealed that challenged scallops with K. mikimotoi showed significantly higher mortality rate and algal toxin activity than healthy ones, and low density of K. mikimotoi (1 × 103 cells/mL) was sufficient to cause >50% scallops' mortality within 26 h. This study provides the first evidence that low K. mikimotoi cell density can cause massive mortality in C. nobilis, and provides useful information as guide to prevent scallop mass mortality in the future.Calcium ion is an important cation influencing the binding of recalcitrant organic contaminants with activated sludge during wastewater treatment process, but there is still unknown about its role in amphoteric fluoroquinolones binding. Binding experiments show that Ca2+ markedly inhibited binding of ciprofloxacin (CIP) onto sludge, causing 7-203 times of CIP release. Multi-spectroscopic examinations indicate that tryptophan-like and tyrosine-like proteins in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were dominant components for CIP binding by static quenching and forming CIP-proteins complexes. Addition of Ca2+ into EPS and CIP binding systems induced increase of association constants (from 0.024-0.064 to 0.027-0.084 L/μmol) and binding constants (from 0.002-0.039 to 0.012-0.107) and decrease of binding sites number (from 0.893-2.007 to 0.721-1.386). Functional groups of EPS and secondary structure of proteins were remarkably changed upon reactions with CIP and Ca2+. Calcium ion interacted with EPS and CIP binding system in two distinct ways Ca2+ shielded CO in amide I in EPS for CIP binding, whereas strengthened binding between CIP and functional groups including CO in carboxyl groups in extra-microcolony polymers and OH in extra-cellular polymers by forming ternary complexes.