s among 1-12-year-old children. Gupta A, Nishant, Sharda S, Comparing the Effectiveness of Topical Fluoride and Povidone Iodine with Topical Fluoride Alone for the Prevention of Dental Caries among Children A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(5)559-565. Gupta A, Nishant, Sharda S, et al. Comparing the Effectiveness of Topical Fluoride and Povidone Iodine with Topical Fluoride Alone for the Prevention of Dental Caries among Children A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(5)559-565. The purpose of this systematic review is to analyze the suitability of the zirconia crowns for restoration of damaged primary teeth in children. This systematic review has been conducted in line with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews (which is also called as PRISMA) guidelines. A search for the relevant articles of zirconia crowns in deciduous teeth has been made in electronic database of PubMed and a study design (meta-analysis), i.e., PICOS framework. The words used in the search are "zirconia crowns" and "primary molars," "zirconia crowns" and "primary incisors," "zirconia crowns" and "children," "zirconia crowns" and "primary teeth." The database search showed 44 studies of which 20 articles were excluded as they were irrelevant, duplicates, and data were not available. In the present systematic review, the remaining 24 articles were included. Zirconia crowns have been proved with better results than other crowns in terms of gingival and periodontal health, esthetics, and crown fractures. However, the quantity of tooth preparation and the wear of antagonist tooth are reported to be more in case of zirconia crowns. Future randomized control studies should be carried out in primary teeth due to less number of randomized studies on this topic. Zirconia crowns are now widely used in dentistry and there is an increase in the number of studies, so