Some conservation prioritization methods are based on the assumption that conservation needs overwhelm current resources and not all species can be conserved; therefore, a conservation triage scheme (i.e., when the system is overwhelmed, species should be divided into three groups based on likelihood of survival, and efforts should be focused on those species in the group with the best survival prospects and reduced or denied to those in the group with no survival prospects and to those in the group not needing special efforts for their conservation) is necessary to guide resource allocation. We argue that this decision-making strategy is not appropriate because resources are not as limited as often assumed, and it is not evident that there are species that cannot be conserved. Small population size alone, for example, does not doom a species to extinction; plants, reptiles, birds, and mammals offer examples. Although resources dedicated to conserving all threatened species are insufficient at present, the world's economic resources are vast, and greater resources could be dedicated toward species conservation. The political framework for species conservation has improved, with initiatives such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and other international agreements, funding mechanisms such as The Global Environment Facility, and the rise of many nongovernmental organizations with nimble, rapid-response small grants programs. For a prioritization system to allow no extinctions, zero extinctions must be an explicit goal of the system. Extinction is not inevitable, and should not be acceptable. A goal of no human-induced extinctions is imperative given the irreversibility of species loss. Service users with complex mental health difficulties are more difficult to engage in treatment and drop-out rates are higher, resulting in poorer clinical outcomes. Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) is widely applied to service users with complex needs and shows promise in terms of engagement and outcomes. The aim of the present study was to examine the 'lived experience' of service users who have been retained in a full course of CAT treatment to provide important insights to why CAT seems to be an engaging psychotherapy, to inform future CAT delivery and practice with clients with complex needs. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with six service users aged between 25 and 47years who had accessed secondary mental health care services and had received an average of 24 sessions of CAT. Transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The analysis yielded three superordinate themes with subthemes within these. The first superordinate theme referred to changes due to systemic and possibly multi-agency working with this group of service users.Worldwide, the consumption of dietary supplements for the enhancement of sexual performance is common. Consumers are generally fond of these products because they often want to avoid drugs, preferring "natural" than "chemical" solutions. This is challenging, as many of these supplements labelled "herbal" or "natural" are actually adulterated with drugs, mainly phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. This phenomenon is facilitated by fewer demanding regulations for marketing supplements. Thus, consumers may be widely exposed to serious adverse events, such as acute liver injury, kidney failure, pulmonary embolism, stroke or even death. We aim to warn physicians about this issue. This multidisciplinary review simultaneously deals with clinical consequences of this phenomenon, analytical toxicology and regulation. Indeed, after outlining this worldwide issue and highlighting that a drug-adulterated dietary supplement is actually a falsified drug, we discuss its main contributing factors. Then, we describe some examples of adverse events of which a case of sildenafil-tadalafil-induced ischaemic stroke that benefited medical care in our hospital. Furthermore, we present some means to avoid adulteration and discuss their limitations that may be explained by the heterogeneity of the regulation of dietary supplements between countries. Doing so, we point out the requirement of a global harmonization of this regulation for an efficient eradication of this public health threat. Meanwhile, dietary supplements should be considered adulterated until proven otherwise. Thus, we encourage physicians to investigate these products in the drug histories of their patients, especially when clinical conditions cannot be explained by classical aetiologies. Delivering dental care to patients in their home or residential institutions is known as "portable dentistry". The demand for portable dental services is on the rise, but dentists remain reluctant to adopt portable practices. To explore the literature on portable dental services and understand (a) the process of planning and delivering portable dental services and (b) the benefits and challenges of portable dentistry for service providers and patients. A systematic scoping search was conducted. We retrieved 3994 documents, 28 of which were included in the final synthesis. Three authors read the papers and conducted thematic content analyses independently. We present a synthesis of the literature and proposed a model of portable dentistry containing three levels with the patient is at the centre surrounded by concentric rings representing the dentist (dental team) and society. At each of these levels, our model is further subdivided into three components 1) organisation of the service; 2) arrival and set-up of the service; and 3) delivery of the service. In addition, each level includes 1) human factors, which are related either to the dental professional or the patient; 2) non-human factors, which refer to either the equipment or the physical environment; and 3) financial factors, which are related to cost and remuneration. We propose a model for portable dentistry that dentists and dental educators interested in this practice should find useful. We propose a model for portable dentistry that dentists and dental educators interested in this practice should find useful.