recommended to work toward increasing women's awareness using different approaches like awareness creation campaigns and counseling clients attending health facilities. In this study, nearly three-quarters of respondents had a good awareness of common NCDs screening during the preconception period. Women's educational status, pregnancy planning status, ANC visit, and having radio and/or television in the house were predictors of women's good awareness of common NCDs screening during the preconception period. Therefore, all concerned bodies are recommended to work toward increasing women's awareness using different approaches like awareness creation campaigns and counseling clients attending health facilities. China holds one fifth of the world's population and faces a rapidly aging society. In its ambition to reach a health care standard comparable to developed countries by 2030, the implementation of palliative care gains special importance. Until now, palliative care education in China is limited and disparate. This study aims to explore and determine factors that have impeded the development and implementation of palliative care education in China. We conducted semi-structured interviews with n=28 medical teachers from seven Chinese universities. Interviews were transcribed, and thematic analysis applied. Three themes with two subthemes were constructed from data analysis. Theme 1 covers the still ambivalent perception of palliative care and palliative care education among participants. The second theme is about cultural attitudes around death and communication. The third theme reflects participants' pragmatic general understanding of teaching. All themes incorporate obstacles to further implementation ofstacle to the implementation of palliative care within the health care system. Approaches to changing medical teachers' views on palliative care and palliative care education and their cultural attitudes towards death and dying are crucial to further promote the implementation of palliative care in China. Family planning (FP) can lengthen birth intervals and potentially reduce the risk of foetal death, low birthweight, prematurity, and being small for gestational age. Effective FP is most easily achieved through access to and acceptability of modern contraceptive methods (MCMs). This study aimed to identify mechanisms of acceptability and the contexts in which they are triggered and to generate theories to improve the selection and implementation of effective interventions by studying an intervention integrating FP with childhood immunisation services. Qualitative interpretative synthesis of findings from realist evaluations of FP interventions in five African countries was guided by an analytical framework. Empirical mechanisms of acceptability were identified from semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders (N = 253). The context in which these mechanisms were triggered was also defined. Empirical mechanisms of acceptability were matched to constructs of a theoretical fra CATs are transferable theories that answer the question given the context, what construct of acceptability does an intervention need to trigger, or more simply, what intervention do we need to apply here to achieve our outcomes? CATs facilitate transfer of interventions across geographies within defined contexts. This study demonstrated the value of embedding realist approaches within implementation research. CATs are transferable theories that answer the question given the context, what construct of acceptability does an intervention need to trigger, or more simply, what intervention do we need to apply here to achieve our outcomes? CATs facilitate transfer of interventions across geographies within defined contexts. Since the introduction of sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) in unifocal vulvar cancer (diameter of < 4cm) and unsuspicious groin lymph nodes, the morbidity rate of patients has significantly decreased globally. In contrast to SLNB, bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy (IFL) has been associated with increased risk of common morbidities. Current guidelines (NCCN, ESGO, RCOG, and German) recommend that in cases of unilaterally positive sentinel lymph node (SLN), bilateral IFL should be performed. However, two recent publications by Woelber et al. and Nica et al. contradict the current guideline, since a significant rate of positive non sentinel lymph nodes in IFL contralaterally was not observed [Woelber et al. 0% (p = 0/28) and Nica et al. 5.3% (p = 1/19)]. A retrospective single-center analysis conducted in the University Hospital of Dusseldorf, evaluating vulvar cancer patients treated with SLNB from 2002 to 2018. 22.2% of women (n = 4/18) were found to have contralateral IFL groin metastasis after an ucted counseling of the patients outlining advantages but also potential oncological risks of this technique especially concerning rate of groin recurrence is critical. Considerable attention has been drawn to empathy in nursing and the concept of empathy has firmly been embedded in nursing discourse. However, little has been known about the details of how nurses express empathy to their patients. In this study, we aim to conduct a qualitative study of actual nurse-patient conversations through which empathy was achieved. The data in this study was based on audio-recording of sessions of conversations between participating nurses and patients in two Chinese hospitals. The participants in this study involved 6 female nurses and 14 patients. Based on Bachelor's (1988) categorization of empathy, this study described and analyzed the actual empathic sequences in nursing conversations in an attempt to demonstrate how nursing empathy was interactionally achieved using the method of conversation analysis. Conversation analysis (CA), focusing on the study of talk in interaction, is a useful method for the qualitative analysis of empathic talk in nursing. By drawing on prior thyzing the nurse-patient interaction, especially for studying empathy in nursing care. The sequences in this study present example of exemplary empathic interaction between nurses and patients, which might shed some light on how nurses express empathy to their patients. Also, this study could help to increase the understanding of the mirco-process of empathy in nursing and contribute to improving nursing communicative skills.