Ciguatera poisoning can occur following the consumption of fish contaminated with trace levels of ciguatoxins (CTXs). These trace levels represent an analytical challenge for confirmation by LC-MS due to matrix interferences and the high instrument sensitivity required. Sample preparation procedures are laborious and require extensive cleanup procedures to address these issues. The application of a selective isolation technique employing boronate affinity polymers was therefore investigated for the capture of vic-diol-containing Caribbean and Pacific CTXs from fish extracts. A dispersive SPE procedure was developed where nearly complete binding of CTXs in fish extracts occurred with boric acid gel in less than 1 h. Release of the bound CTXs resulted in >95% recovery of C-CTX1/2, C-CTX3/4, CTX1B, 54-deoxyCTX1B, and 52-epi-54-deoxyCTX1B from the extracts. This selective extraction tool has the potential to greatly simplify both analytical sample preparation and preparative extraction and isolation of CTXs for structure elucidation and production of standards. The GSK3732394 multivalent protein was developed as a novel, long-acting, antiretroviral biologic treatment regimen with three independent, non-cross-resistant mechanisms for inhibiting HIV-1 entry. A single-centre, Phase 1, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in healthy volunteers, using a 2-part adaptive study design in Part 1, participants were randomized to receive subcutaneous injection of GSK3732394 or placebo (31) as single ascending doses (10-mg starting dose); in Part 2, participants were intended to receive multiple ascending doses. Primary and secondary objectives included safety, pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD; cluster of differentiation four receptor occupancy [CD4 RO]) of GSK3732394 in healthy adults; PK/PD results in healthy volunteers were used to project HIV-1 treatment success. The most f