Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is extremely malignant and the therapeutic options available usually have little impact on survival. Great hope is placed on new therapeutic targets, including long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), and on the development of new drugs, based on e.g., broccoli-derived sulforaphane, which meanwhile has shown promise in pilot studies in patients. We examined whether sulforaphane interferes with lncRNA signaling and analyzed five PDAC and two nonmalignant cell lines, patient tissues (n = 30), and online patient data (n = 350). RT-qPCR, Western blotting, MTT, colony formation, transwell and wound healing assays; gene array analysis; bioinformatics; in situ hybridization; immunohistochemistry and xenotransplantation were used. Sulforaphane regulated the expression of all of five examined lncRNAs, but basal expression, biological function and inhibition of H19 were of highest significance. H19 siRNA prevented colony formation, migration, invasion and Smad2 phosphorylation. We identified 103 common sulforaphane- and H19-related target genes and focused to the virus-induced tumor promoter APOBEC3G. APOBEC3G siRNA mimicked the previously observed H19 and sulforaphane effects. In vivo, sulforaphane- or H19 or APOBEC3G siRNAs led to significantly smaller tumor xenografts with reduced expression of Ki67, APOBEC3G and phospho-Smad2. Together, we identified APOBEC3G as H19 target, and both are inhibited by sulforaphane in prevention of PDAC progression.Dementia is a growing issue in modern society. Non-pharmacological interventions such as music are suggested as the primary methods for symptom management. Therapeutic potential may also be found in sound/mechanical low frequency vibrations (LFV) that share the core characteristics of music, but these are lesser understood. The aim of the proposed scoping review is to explore the responses of persons with dementia to LFV, e.g., vibroacoustic therapy or whole-body vibration. The scoping review will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology guidelines. An extensive search in BMC, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, ERIC, MEDLINE (OvidSP), Pedro, ProQuest Central, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and grey literature sources in Clinical Trials, Current Controlled Trials, Google Scholar, and manual search of relevant journals is planned to find all relevant research papers. The paper selection, full-text assessment, and data extraction will be performed by two independent reviewers. Participants' responses to the interventions and the experiment designs, including methodological challenges, will be analysed and compared. Results may highlight potential gaps in reporting and comparing sound and mechanical vibration approaches and promote better understanding of their potential for managing the symptoms of dementia. Furthermore, the possible relationships between LFV and music-based interventions may become clearer.Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disease with high-cost treatment. This study aimed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of T2DM treatment in hospitalized patients with complications of kidney and peripheral vascular disease (PVD) in Indonesia by focusing on patients of Health Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). An observational study was applied by collecting data retrospectively from patients' medical record at the biggest public hospital in West Java Province, Indonesia. Two perspectives of payer and healthcare provider were applied to estimate the treatment cost. We considered following inclusion criteria (i) Hospitalized T2DM patients without complication, with complications of kidney and PVD during 2014-2017; (ii) member of BPJS Kesehatan; (iii) >18 years old patients; and (iv) patients with complete medical record data. The results showed that the majority patients were female (56.72%), 45-64 years old (69.40%), and had a length of stay at 4-10 days (54.48%). The greatest contributions in the total treatment cost were found to be hospital room, medical services and medicines for the treatment of T2DM without complications, with complications of kidney and PVD, respectively. From the perspective of payer, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of T2DM treatment with complications of kidney and PVD would be IDR 215,723 and IDR 234,591 per 1 mg/dL blood glucose reduction, respectively. From the perspective of healthcare provider, the ICERs of T2DM treatment with complications of kidney and PVD would be IDR 166,289 and IDR 681,853 per 1 mg/dL blood glucose reduction in both perspectives (1 US$ = IDR 13,451). In a comparison with T2DM without complication, reducing 1 mg/dL blood glucose in T2DM treatment with complication of PVD would require higher cost than in T2DM treatment with complication of kidney from both perspectives.Fungi are among the biotic agents that can cause deterioration of building stones and cultural heritage. The most common methods used to control fungal spread and growth are based on chemical pesticides. However, the massive use of these synthetic chemicals produces heavy environmental pollution and risk to human and animal health. Furthermore, their use is time dependent and relies on the repetition of treatments, which increases the possibility of altering building stones and culture heritage through environmental contamination. One alternative is the use of natural products with high antifungal activity, which can result in reduced toxicity and deterioration of archeological remains. Recently, three fungal strains, namely Aspergillus niger, Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporum, were isolated as damaging agents from the external tuff wall of the Roman remains "Villa of Poppea" in Oplontis, Naples, Italy. In this manuscript, three selected fungal metabolites, namely cyclopaldic acid, cavoxin and epi-epoformin, produced by fungi pathogenic for forest plants, were evaluated as potential antifungal compounds against the above fungi. Cavoxin and epi-epoformin showed antifungal activity against Asperigillus niger and Fusarium oxysporum, while cyclopaldic acid showed no activity when tested on the three fungi. The same antifungal activity was observed in vitro experiments on infected stones of the Neapolitan yellow tuff (NYT), a volcanic lithotype widely diffused in the archeological sites of Campania, Italy. This study represents a first step in the use of these two fungal metabolites to allow better preservation of artworks and to guarantee the conditions suitable for their conservation.