Importantly, a greater reduction in smoking was associated with higher satisfaction with physical health and better emotional well-being. Furthermore, a follow-up investigation revealed that concerns about increased COVID-19 health risks due to smoking were a primary factor driving smokers' behavior change. Overall, these results suggest that, to help smokers fight tobacco addiction and improve well-being, pandemic health policies need to take account of the differences in vulnerability across individuals and leverage the psychological factors that can facilitate behavior change. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is known as one of the malignant form of cells growing in the inner lining of colon and rectum which could seriously affect the cure rate of patients. We aimed to evaluate the effect of prognostic factors on cure fraction of CRC patients. A total of 1043 CRC patients were included to the study from December 2001 to January 2007at the Research Center of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Patients' information was extracted from their medical records, then they were followed to identify their death status via phone-call. Weibull non-mixture cure model was used to evaluate the effect of the risk factors on cure fraction of CRC patients. The five-years survival rate was 0.66 (males 0.64 and female 0.69). The median survival time for non-cured CRC patients were 3.45 years (males 3.46; females=3.45 years). In the single Weibull model, BMI≥30 (OR=4.61, p-value=0.033), poorly differentiated tumor grade (OR=0.36, p-value=0.0ifferent among males and females. Further multicenter studies are required to assess the effect of common prognostic factors between males and females. To assess long-term functional and quality of life (QoL) outcomes and their predictive factors in laryngectomized patients after successful voice restoration using tracheoesophageal prosthes