Know Thy Attributes - As women we have to have to accept and leverage our strengths a great deal more so than our male colleagues. It is best to amazing for me how after i meet clients I can intuitively and immediately see their strengths and gifts. I describe it as one's effervescence - much placing an Alka Seltzer tablet proper glass water and watching bubbles begin to emerge. Could be the same way when people meet you - there isn't any something which are keen about that bubbles to leading. People immediately notice it coming the actual every part of you. Anyone have understand that attribute it is a secret branding weapon you can use to leverage your full time job. Jiah Khan was a disappointment, period. Bad acting, bad figure, bad clothes! Whoever is promoting her as a sex symbol needs to get his eyes and head examined. And surely the make up staff might well have done a more satisfactory job of making her complexion dusky. That simply might have saved her from imitating an tired and a sweaty babe. I am being harsh on the poor girl nevertheless the director must share the blame. I also think that her character wasn't really required in the story to construct. Check the pictures for that Web of the "Sex along with the City" gals at the recent Showest event in Vegas to hype the show. were in gorgeous slinky dresses with nude heels. Even shorter girls will mimic tall cars. It works! You are rarely getting the break in the line that you obtain when you slip on a dark runner. Our Career Journeys - As strong women a large number of on an occupational journey, and know that some locations the journey are wonderful while in addition there are periods of disappointment. People are promoted. Were downsized. As my old boss once told me, you often have to "bloom where you are planted." Everthing is a member of the career road map that led us to where have got today. Mistakes and setbacks are the tuition paid along approach for career experience