The studies on the fibroblast cell line demonstrated that both A. officinalis and M. officinalis polyphenolic-rich extracts possess the cytotoxic effect at a concentration higher than 500 μg/mL. The experimental data suggest that both extracts are promising candidates for the development of natural antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory food supplements.The misfit monolayered sulfides, (GdS)1.20NbS2, (DyS)1.22NbS2, (Gd0.1Dy0.9S)1.21NbS2, (Gd0.2Dy0.8S)1.21NbS2, and (Gd0.5Dy0.5S)1.21NbS2 and the misfit bilayered sulfide (GdS)0.60NbS2 were synthesized via sulfurization under flowing CS2/H2S gas and consolidated by pressure-assisted sintering. The thermoelectric properties of the monolayered and bilayered sulfides perpendicular (in-plane) and parallel (out-of-plane) to the pressing direction were investigated over a temperature range of 300-873 K. The crystal grains in all the sintered samples were preferentially oriented perpendicular to the pressing direction, which resulted in highly anisotropic electrical and thermal transport properties. All the sintered samples exhibited degenerate n-type semiconductor-like behavior, leading to a large thermoelectric power factor. The misfit layered structure yielded low lattice thermal conductivity. The evolution of the monolayered structures into bilayered structures affected their thermoelectric properties. The thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) of monolayered (GdS)1.20NbS2 was higher than that of bilayered (GdS)0.60NbS2 due to the larger power factor and lower lattice thermal conductivity of (GdS)1.20NbS2. The lattice thermal conductivity of the monolayered sulfide was lower in (Gd x Dy1-x S)1.2+q NbS2 solid solutions. The large power factor and low lattice thermal conductivity allowed a ZT value of 0.13 at 873 K in (Gd0.5Dy0.5S)1.21NbS2 perpendicular to the pressing direction.Separation of lanthanides (Ln) from actinides (An) is unanimously challenging in reprocessing used nuclear fuel despite of much dedicated efforts over the past several decades. The TALSPEAK process is the current reference method in the United States for Ln3+/An3+ separation but suffers from several limitations, such as a narrow working pH window (3.5-4.0), costly pH buffers, and slow extraction kinetics. Studies aiming at improving TALSPEAK have so far focused on polyaminocarboxylates hold-back reagents. Here, a new class of water-soluble ligands comprising hydroxypyridinone metal-binding units are evaluated for Ln3+/An3+ separation. The model octadentate chelator 3,4,3-LI(1,2-HOPO) (abbreviated as HOPO) was used in combination with several industry-relevant organic extractants to separate Gd from four transplutonium elements (Am, Cm, Bk, and Cf). Cyanex 301 GN and HDEHP worked best in combination with HOPO, whereas HEH[EHP], Cyanex 572, and ACORGA M5640 did not yield practical Ln3+/An3+ separation. Separatif analytical science and reprocessing of used nuclear fuel.Efficient and selective transport of rhodium(III) across a polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) from a 0.1 mol dm-3 HCl feed solution, also containing iron(III), to a receiving solution containing 0.1 mol dm-3 HCl and 4.9 mol dm-3 NH4Cl was achieved using a phosphonium-type ionic liquid, trioctyl(dodecyl)phosphonium chloride (P88812Cl), as the metal ion carrier. The optimum PIM composition for the Rh(III) transport was 50 wt % poly(vinylidene-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP), 30 wt % P88812Cl, and 20 wt % plasticizer 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether (2NPOE). The driving force for the Rh(III) transport was suggested to be the concentration difference of the chloride ion between the feed and the receiving solutions. More than 70% rhodium(III) could be recovered from the receiving solution, and no transport of iron(III) was observed; however, the two metal ions cannot be separated by liquid-liquid extraction. This is the first report of selective transport of rhodium(III) across a polymer inclusion membrane.Arsenic-calcium residue (ACR) is one of the major hazardous solid wastes produced by the metallurgical industry that poses a serious threat to the environment. However, a suitable method for the effective treatment of ACR is still lacking. In this study, an alternative treatment method for ACRs via the immobilization of As as scorodite was proposed with the use of two types of ACRs (ACRreal directly collected from a Pb refinery and ACRlab precipitated from waste sulfuric acid in the lab). The treatment of ACR included preparing the As-enriched solution via H2SO4 dissolution-neutralization of ACR at pH less then 2, As(III) was oxidized by H2O2, and As(V) was immobilized as scorodite. The results showed that gypsum produced from ACRlab in the dissolution-neutralization process contained 68 mg/kg of As, far below the Chinese national standard for hazardous solid wastes ( less then 0.1 wt %, GB5085.62007). The gypsum produced from ACRreal contained 5400 mg/kg of As due to the presence of original high-As gypsum (1.6 wt %) in ACRreal. These results showed that the preliminary removal of SO4 2- from waste sulfuric acid by lime neutralization-precipitation at pH ∼ 2 could produce pure-phase gypsum by avoiding the HAsO4 2- isomorphic substitution for SO4 2-. The scorodite produced from both ACRs displayed good As stability at pH 4.95 (0.9 and 0.5 mg/L) via the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) method and at pH 3-7 (0.4-3.0 mg/L) via a 15 day short-term stability test.Molecules that disrupt protein aggregation represent potential tool compounds for the investigation of numerous human disease states. However, the identification of small molecules capable of disrupting protein aggregation has proven challenging. Larger biomolecules such as antibodies and proteins are promising alternatives due to their increased size. Despite the promise of protein-based inhibitors, generalizable assays are needed to more readily identify proteins capable of inhibiting aggregation. Herein, we utilize our previously reported self-assembling NanoLuc luciferase fragments to engineer a platform in which both detection reagents are expressed from the same plasmid, enabling facile co-transformation with a genetically encodable inhibitor. This streamlined system is capable of detecting changes in the solubility of amylin, huntingtin, and amyloid-β (Aβ) proteins in response to mutations, small-molecule inhibitors, and expression of genetically encodable inhibitors. This improved platform provides a means to begin to identify protein-based inhibitors with improved efficacy.