is established that the stay of patients at medical institutions that are not supplied with the necessary equipment to ensure proper care, transfer of patients from one ward to another without an established diagnosis, failure to provide appropriate treatment because of difficult situation (lack of staff, malnutrition, poor living conditions in the hospital) is a violation of Article 2 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.This article aims to analyse the implementation of public procurement procedures in the context of national governments' fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and find solutions for adapting those public procurement procedures that are currently used in the healthcare sector to new challenges. For this above purpose, we have applied both theoretical methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, and empirical methods such as observation, etc. The research has yielded the following findings 1) there are no one-size-fits-all solutions in the national governments' fight against the COVID-19 pandemic through the public procurement mechanism, except that national policies in this field intend to speed up the organisation of the public procurement procedures, which would shorten the time for the delivery of medical goods to healthcare facilities; 2) due to the current emergency conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, public procurements of medical supplies are taking place under the non-competitive procedurparticular areas in medical supplies; management of potential vendors. These measures may help make medical procurements as effective as possible in these current conditions; 2) develop special procedures (mechanisms), by national governments, for conducting checks of public procurements in the healthcare sector that are made as part of the response measures against the COVID-19 pandemic, because those check algorithms that are in place today cannot take into account the realities of this particular emergency situation and the conditions in which those procurements are made.The purpose of the study was to develop cosmetic products using the natural resources of Georgia As components, the therapeutic mud of Akhtala, bentonite clay, perlite, liver oil of the sea cartilaginous fish katran, habitat of coastal waters were used. From the Black Sea, oils and extracts from plants in large numbers growing in Georgia. When studying the physicochemical characteristics of the products obtained and their compliance with standards, tests according to GOST 31460-2012 were used. "Cosmetic creams" and GOST 31679-2012. "Liquid cosmetic products", as well as a number of additional tests to assess their quality. A number of cosmetic products have been developed - cream, scrub, lotions. Taking into account the safety of the use in cutaneous practice of the substances that were used in the formulation of the developed cosmetics (focusing on the literature data on their content in cosmetic preparations) and the direction of their use in cosmetic practice, the effectiveness of their use was tested on volunteers. The results of the study were determined visually and according to the objective feelings of the volunteers. The data obtained make it possible to assess the improvement in the sensory properties of the skin. All of the above indicates the possibility of using the developed products in cosmetics and cosmeceutics.The aim of the study was to determine the stable diagnostic traits of a Caucasian endemic plant Daphne axilliflora (Keissl.) Pobed. and study its phytochemical composition. The following stable diagnostic characteristic were identified during the microstructural analysis leaf surface glabrous, hypostomatic, dorsoventral; epidermal cells chaotic; curved with curved walls on both the upper and lower epidermis; stomata anomocytic; well visible chloroplasts, rhomboid and needle shaped crystals in lower leaf epidermis; leaf vascular bundles reverse-collateral; vascular system monocyclic, bilateral; wood diffuse-porous; xylem parenchyma is apotracheal, scanty metatracheal; vessel walls are predominantly characterized by spiral and pitted thickening; collenchyma lamellar; radial rays in single rows, heterogeneous. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of terpene and phenolic substances, including coumarins. Two well-known coumarins (daphnin and daphnetin) were isolated and identified.The article presents the results of biochemical studies of blood and morphological characteristics of liver changes in laboratory animals (rats) under experimental conditions of paracetamol hepatitis and intragastric administration of a new substance G10 from the «Zhuzgun» plant in various doses. The obtained data open up prospects for further studies of the pharmacological properties of the substance G10, the possibility of including it as a phytotherapeutic agent in the complex of preventive and therapeutic measures for acute toxic hepatitis. The study of the hepatoprotective properties was conducted in the "Educational and Research Pharmacological Laboratory" of the Department of General Pharmacology of the Astana Medical University. The object of the study was the substance G. 10 from the Juzgun plant, which is a brown powder, odorless, poorly soluble in water. Тhe analysis of the results of our own research allows us to conclude that the substance G10 obtained from the plant «Zhuzgun» in various doses has a significant positive effect on the dynamics of biochemical parameters of blood serum in animals with experimental acute paracetamol hepatitis.The results of pathomorphological examination of the internal organs of laboratory animals (rats) with intragastric administration of substance G10 also allow us to conclude that it has a hepatoprotective effect. The results of microscopic and biochemical studies of laboratory animals (rats) in acute toxic hepatitis with a new substance from the plant Calligonum allow us to conclude that the substance G10 has a hepatoprotective property. The obtained preliminary data on the hepatoprotective efficacy of substance G10 open up new prospects for further studies of its pharmacological properties.