Snake venoms are important sources of bioactive molecules, including those with antiparasitic activity. Cathelicidins form a class of such molecules, which are produced by a variety of organisms. Batroxicidin (BatxC) is a cathelicidin found in the venom of the common lancehead (Bothrops atrox). In the present work, BatxC and two synthetic analogues, BatxC(C-2.15Phe) and BatxC(C-2.14Phe)des-Phe1, were assessed for their microbicidal activity. All three peptides showed a broad-spectrum activity on Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, as well as promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data indicated that the three peptides changed their structure upon interaction with membranes. Biomimetic membrane model studies demonstrated that the peptides exert a permeabilization effect in prokaryotic membranes, leading to cell morphology distortion, which was confirmed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The molecules considered in this work exhibited bactericidal and leishmanicidal activity at low concentrations, with the AFM data suggesting membrane pore formation as their mechanism of action. These peptides stand as valuable prototype drugs to be further investigated and eventually used to treat bacterial and protozoal infections.We propose a modification of the Variational Quantum Eigensolver algorithm for electronic structure optimization using quantum computers, named nonunitary Variational Quantum Eigensolver (nu-VQE), in which a nonunitary operator is combined with the original system Hamiltonian leading to a new variational problem with a simplified wave function ansatz. In the present work, as nonunitary operator, we use the Jastrow factor, inspired from classical Quantum Monte Carlo techniques for simulation of strongly correlated electrons. The method is applied to prototypical molecular Hamiltonians for which we obtain accurate ground-state energies with shallower circuits, at the cost of an increased number of measurements. Finally, we also show that this method achieves an important error mitigation effect that drastically improves the quality of the results for VQE optimizations on today's noisy quantum computers. The absolute error in the calculated energy within our scheme is 1 order of magnitude smaller than the corresponding result using traditional VQE methods, with the same circuit depth.The oxidative intermolecular nitrogenation of C(sp3)-H bonds represents one of the most straightforward strategies to construct nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a sacrificial chemical oxidant is generally required. Herein, we describe electrochemical oxidative intermolecular allylic C(sp3)-H aminations in an undivided cell by electric current. The cross-dehydrogenative amination proceeded efficiently with ample scope under metal- and chemical oxidant-free reaction conditions, giving molecular H2 as the only byproduct.Heterostructures of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides and ferromagnetic substrates are important candidates for the development of viable new spin- or valleytronic devices. For the prototypical bilayer of WSe2 on top of a ferromagnetic layer of CrI3, we find substantially different coupling of both WSe2 K-valleys to the sublayer. Besides an energy splitting of a few meV, the corresponding excitons have significantly different interlayer character with charge transfer allowed at the K̅- point but forbidden at K̅+. The different exciton wave functions result in a distinctly different response to magnetic fields with g factors of about -4.4 and -4.0, respectively. By means of ab initio GW/Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations, these findings establish g factors as tool for investigating the exciton character and shedding light on the detailed quantum-mechanical interplay of magnetic and optical properties which are essential for the targeted development of optoelectronic devices.SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a major public health burden and affects many organs including lungs, kidneys, the liver, and the brain. Although the virus is readily detected and diagnosed using nasopharyngeal swabs by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), detection of its presence in body fluids is fraught with difficulties. A number of published studies have failed to detect viral RNA by RT-PCR methods in urine. Although microbial identification in clinical microbiology using mass spectrometry is undertaken after culture, here we undertook a mass spectrometry-based approach that employed an enrichment step to capture and detect SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein directly from urine of COVID-19 patients without any culture. We detected SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein-derived peptides from 13 out of 39 urine samples. Further, a subset of COVID-19 positive and COVID-19 negative urine samples validated by mass spectrometry were used for the quantitative proteomics analysis. Proteins with increased abundance in urine of SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals were enriched in the acute phase response, regulation of complement system, and immune response. Notably, a number of renal proteins such as podocin (NPHS2), an amino acid transporter (SLC36A2), and sodium/glucose cotransporter 5 (SLC5A10), which are intimately involved in normal kidney function, were decreased in the urine of COVID-19 patients. Overall, the detection of viral antigens in urine using mass spectrometry and alterations of the urinary proteome could provide insights into understanding the pathogenesis of COVID-19.Fengycins are cyclic lipo-depsipeptides produced by Bacillus spp. that display potent antifungal properties but are chemically unstable. This instability has meant that no total synthesis of any fengycin has been published. Here we report the synthesis of fengycin A analogues that display enhanced antifungal properties and chemical stability under both basic and acidic conditions. The analogues prepared also demonstrate that the fengycin core structure can be modified and simplified without the loss of antifungal activity.The Arp2/3 molecular machine stimulates the generation of branched actin networks at the cytosolic surface of cellular membranes. Arp2/3 is thus pivotal for cell motility and migration, and its aberrant function is implicated in cancer invasion and metastasis. Here, all-atom multi μs-long molecular dynamics simulations and dynamical NetWork Analysis (NWA) unprecedentedly disclose the molecular terms of Arp2/3 regulation (activation/inhibition) by positive/negative allosteric modulators. After identifying the crucial structural elements underlying Arp2/3's conformational transition toward its active actin-polymerization-competent state, we decrypt the activating signaling paths heading from the allosteric effector (ATP) binding sites to these pivotal regions, also elucidating how small-molecule inhibitors scramble this signal-exchange. As a result, while ATP-induced signaling triggers a harmonious conformational transition toward active Arp2/3, the inhibitors disturb these information channels, desynchronizing Arp2/3 functional movements, thus hindering its activation.