Septic cardiomyopathy (SCM)is common in septic patients and results in cardiovascular failure. The pathogenesis of SCM is complicated, and patients with SCM have high mortality because current treatment methods are limited. The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) modulates inflammatory responses through vagus nerve stimulation that leads to the release of acetylcholine (ACh), which binds to the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR). Moreover, α7nAChR activation by its agonists at the tissue level inhibits inflammatory mediators and regulates the function of immune cells in sepsis. Therefore, the α7nAChR can maintain balance of the inflammatory-immune response in sepsis. CAP has been elucidated as a critical regulator of anti-inflammation in many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory boweldisease and SCM. Additionally, some clinical and preclinical trials show therapeutic potential via regulating CAP. There are excellent studies regarding the beneficial role of CAP activation, especially α7nAChR, in experimental SCM. This review aims to discuss the CAP in attenuating inflammation and the potential role of α7nAChR activation in regulating immune and reducing inflammation in SCM.IL13Rα2 shows high expression in different types of tumors and can be a target for cancer therapy in humans due to its poor prognosis. The aim of our study is to characterize and investigate the effect of interleukin-13 receptor subunit alpha-2monoclonal antibody mAb15D8 on lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo by blocking its specific epitope in IL13Rα2 antigen. The mAb15D8 blocking epitope was analyzed through the mutagenesis of IL13Rα2 and confirmed with western blot. We found that the IL13Rα2 epitope recognized by mAb15D8 antibody is a new binding site localized in the fibronectin-III domain-1 of IL13Rα2 antigen. Moreover, the mAb15D8 obviously reduced cell proliferation, migration of H460, A549, SKOV3, and B16F10 cells. Treatment with mAb15D8 significantly reduced the H460 xenograft tumor formation and growth in nude mice and inhibited B16F10 tumor metastasis and increased survival in C57BL/6 mice. Pharmacokinetic and toxicological analysis demonstrated the safety of mAb15D8 as a potential therapeutic agent. We developed a novel mouse monoclonal antibody against IL13Rα2 which binds to specific epitope on IL13Rα2 antigen. In vivo treatment with the antibody significantly reduced tumor growth and lung metastasis and prolonged survival. These results suggest mAb15D8 antibody as a potential therapeutic agent for cancer therapy. Older patients discharged to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) for post-acute care are at high risk for hospital readmission. Yet, as in the community setting, some readmissions may be preventable with optimal transitional care. This study examined the proportion of 30-day hospital readmissions from SNFs that could be considered potentially preventable readmissions (PPRs) and evaluated the reasons for these readmissions. Retrospective cohort study. Post-acute practice of an integrated health care delivery system serving 11 SNFs in the US Midwest. Patients discharged from the hospital to an SNF and subsequently readmitted to the hospital within 30days from January 1, 2009, through November 31,2016. A computerized algorithm evaluated the relationship between initial and repeat hospitalizations to determine whether the repeat hospitalization was a PPR. We assessed for changes in PPR rates across the system over the study period and evaluated the readmission categories to identify the most prevalent PPR c discharged to SNFs, a computerized algorithm categorized a large proportion of 30-day hospital readmissions as potentially preventable, with nearly one-half of those linked to the reason for the initial hospitalization. These findings indicate the importance of improvement in postdischarge transitional care for patients discharged to SNFs.Solid waste management (SWM) is a key issue for sustainable development and environment protection, and waste collection and transportation (WCT) is one of the most important steps in managing solid waste. A well-designed SWM system with optimised location and capacity of waste transfer stations (WTSs) and final disposal facilities (FDFs) plays a critical role in waste management. However, uncertainties are inevitable in a general SWM system, which could involve in any stage of the waste management. In this paper, we propose to use the reliability analysis method to manage the uncertainties for the multiple-stage SWM system. Furthermore, an optimisation model is developed to maximise the reliability of SWM systems by optimising the allocation of waste treatment demand between facilities. We also generated an event-tree to analyse the failure mode of the whole system. Finally, a case study was undertaken in Hong Kong to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology. The case study results indicate that the proposed method can (i) estate the risk level of a SWM system, (ii) provide a solution to improve the system reliability or reduce the risk level, (iii) analyse the potential contributions of different policies on the reliability index, (iv) identify the critical facilities in a SWM system. There is a need to better understand the extent to which social capital (reflected in social networks tapping friendship, financial support, advice/informational support) can aid recovery for those residents living in abstinence-based recovery homes. Social network characteristics of 42 recovery homes (Oxford Houses) were examined, including friendship, willingness to loan money, and advice-seeking to assess the extent to which house network patterns were related to house-level resident measures of proximal recovery outcomes of well-being (e.g. social support, self-esteem, stress) and financial health (e.g. earned wages). We found that the density of the willingness to loan money network within a house was positively associated with house-level earned wages, social support, and self-esteem, and negatively associated with stress. Conversely, the density of house advice-seeking relationships was positively related to house-level stress. Houses in which residents are willing to share resources with other members who may be in need showed higher rates of well-being at the house-level.