The Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids (TRACK) is a tool to assess asthma control in preschool children. This study aims to validate the Portuguese from Portugal version of the TRACK questionnaire. A prospective cohort study was carried out to assess their psychometric characteristics. Caregivers of 141 children under age 5 with asthma symptoms were enrolled. Internal reliability was close to 0.70 (Cronbach's ). The test-retest reliability was 0.87. TRACK scores were different between well, partially, and non-controlled asthma groups (p less than 0.001). Patients rated as having better control showed an increase in TRACK scores. The Portuguese version of the TRACK questionnaire is accurate and reliable for monitoring asthma control. Its use may help to overcome challenges with the management of this age group. Objective. The Test for Respiratory and Asthma Control in Kids (TRACK) is a tool to assess asthma control in preschool children. This study aims to validate the Portuguese from Portugal version of the TRACK questionnaire. Methods. A prospective cohort study was carried out to assess their psychometric characteristics. Caregivers of 141 children under age 5 with asthma symptoms were enrolled. Results. Internal reliability was close to 0.70 (Cronbach's α). The test-retest reliability was 0.87. TRACK scores were different between well, partially, and non-controlled asthma groups (p less than 0.001). Patients rated as having better control showed an increase in TRACK scores. Conclusions. The Portuguese version of the TRACK questionnaire is accurate and reliable for monitoring asthma control. Its use may help to overcome challenges with the management of this age group.The two most common optical boundaries in geometrical optics are the spherical and flat. The present group recently derived the third-order derivative matrix of a skew ray with respect to the source ray vector for a ray reflected/refracted at a flat boundary. The proposed method was based on a differential geometry approach, and hence had the advantages of an improved accuracy and the need to trace just one ray. In the present study, the method is extended to a ray incident on a spherical boundary. The derived matrix is used to explore the primary wavefront spherical aberration of an axis-symmetrical system. Its result is identical to that obtained from Zemax simulations. The estimation capability of the fifth-order Taylor series expansion of a ray is investigated by using the finite difference methods and the developed matrix. The proposed matrix can serve as a useful basis for determining the higher-order differential derivative matrices of a ray to explore higher-order ray or wavefront aberrations in future studies.In our recent paper [D. P. Kulikova Opt. Express28(21), 32049 (2020).10.1364/OE.405403], an early version of Fig. 1 was published. This erratum corrects that error.The focusing apodized subwavelength grating coupler (F-ASGC) has advantages of high coupling efficiency, small footprint and simple fabrication process, which make it a popular component for chip-scale coupling and testing of integrated optical circuit. However, the design of F-ASGC based on effective medium theory lacks accuracy, causing the drawbacks of peak wavelength deviation and performance degradation. In this work, we propose a deterministic design method of F-ASGC. Our grating coupler is formed by assembling various subwavelength grating units according to their complex effective indexes. The complex effective indexes of these grating units are accurately obtained by the weak form calculation. Then combining with transformation optics, we strictly analyze the F-ASGC for the first time. The simulation results show that the deterministically designed F-ASGC has high coupling efficiency of -2.51 dB, 3 dB bandwidth of 51 nm, and accurate central wavelength of 1553.1 nm. And we also fabricated it on the commercial SOI wafer. The measured maximum efficiency is -3.10 dB, the 3 dB bandwidth is 55 nm, and the central wavelength is 1551.5 nm.The field of view (FOV) of a geometrical waveguide display is limited by the total internal reflection (TIR) condition (related with the index of glass) and the stray light generated inside the waveguide. A novel concept of an ultra-thin, wide-angle, stray-light-free, optical see-through near-eye display (NED) with a dual-layer geometrical waveguide is proposed in this paper. In the dual-layer waveguide, the two waveguides have different structures and are responsible for two different FOVs which are spliced together to form the entire FOV. The stray light of the dual-layer waveguide is analyzed and an optimized structure to suppress the stray light is designed. An optimized coupling-in structure is designed and a progressive optimization method is proposed for optimizing the illuminance uniformity of the entire FOV across the exit pupil. A dual-layer waveguide with a total thickness of 3.0 mm and stray light of less than 1% is designed. The FOV is 62° in the pupil-expanding direction, and the diameter of the exit pupil (EPD) is 10 mm at an eye relief (ER) of 18 mm. A compact projection optic is designed and finally is integrated with the dual-layer waveguide.Previous invisible gateways are mainly based on super-scattering effect, which can only work for the perfect electric conductor (PEC) wall, while no further exploration is conducted for the walls made of other materials (i.e., the actual wall is not PEC). In this study, we design an asymmetric universal invisible gateway by transformation optics, which is versatile for applying arbitrary materials as wall materials. In addition, its unique asymmetric structure leads to the difference of the detection results when the relative position of the detection source and the invisible gateway changes one side can only see a complete wall (no gateway) and the other side can detect the gateway in the middle of the wall. This research advances a new step for the specific application of invisible gateway.We study the correlated evolutions of two far-spaced Rydberg atomic pairs with different resonant frequencies, interacting via van der Waals (vdW) potentials and driven by a common laser field. They are found to exhibit in-phase (anti-phase) beating dynamics characterized by identical (complementary) intra-pair entanglements under a specific condition in regard of inter-pair vdW potentials and driving field detunings. This occurs when each atomic pair just oscillates between its ground state and symmetric entangled state because its doubly excited state and asymmetric entangled state are forbidden due to rigid dipole blockade and perfect destructive interference, respectively. More importantly, optimal inter-pair overall entanglement can be attained at each beating node corresponding to semi-optimal intra-pair entanglements, and inevitable dissipation processes just result in a slow decay of intra-pair and inter-pair entanglements yet without destroying in-phase and anti-phase beating dynamics.