To determine the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment on final height and body mass index in girls with central precocious puberty. All cases with diagnosis age <8 years constituted group 1 (n=19) and those with ≥8 years constituted group 2 (n=35). There was no significant difference in height standard deviation score, body mass index standard deviation score, bone age/chronologic age, predicted final height at the time of diagnosis, and follow-up between group 1 and group 2. There was no significant difference in final height (standard deviation score) between the groups. The number of obese and overweight cases at diagnosis and final height was similar. The target height (standard deviation score), predicted final height (standard deviation score), and final height (standard deviation score) were similar in both Group 1 and Group 2. We found that between the ages of 6-9.8 years, girls with central precocious puberty who received gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment reached a final height within their target height range. It is concluded that gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment increases body mass index during treatment and when patients reach the final height, they return to their pretreatment body mass index. Younger age and greater height at the time of diagnosis are the positive factors on final height. We found that between the ages of 6-9.8 years, girls with central precocious puberty who received gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment reached a final height within their target height range. It is concluded that gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog treatment increases body mass index during treatment and when patients reach the final height, they return to their pretreatment body mass index. Younger age and greater height at the time of diagnosis are the positive factors on final height. Allergic sensitization in infancy generally develops against food allergens. We aimed to investigate the frequency of aero-allergens sensitization at older ages in infants with food allergy. This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Dr. Behçet Uz Children's Allergy Clinic. Infants with confirmed IgE-mediated food allergy between January 1 , 2004, and December 31 , 2016, were evaluated for aero-allergen sensitivities through skin prick tests (SPT) after at least two years after diagnosis, and the data were compared with a healthy control group. A total of 187 cases, 87 of which were patients, were included in the study. The cause of food allergies was cow's milk only in 24 (27.6%) cases, egg only in 26 (29.9%) cases, both cow's milk and egg in 33 (37.9%) cases, fish only in two cases (2.3%), and both fish and egg in two (2.3%) cases. The mean age at which the aero-allergen SPT was performed was 65 (46-180) months in the patient group and 72 (48-132) months in the healthy control group. In the patient group, 39 (44.8%) had aero-allergen sensitization, whereas, in the healthy control group, five (5%) had aero-allergen sensitization. Aero-allergen sensitization was more frequent in the patient group (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the type and number of food allergies and the development of aero-allergen sensitization (p>0.05). In infants with food allergies, sensitization may develop with aero-allergens at an early age. Clinical follow-up of these patients may be important in terms of allergic respiratory diseases. In infants with food allergies, sensitization may develop with aero-allergens at an early age. Clinical follow-up of these patients may be important in terms of allergic respiratory diseases.In recent years, the use of point-of-care ultrasound by non-radiologist physicians has become widespread. Especially for clinicians working in pediatric emergency departments and pediatric intensive care units, point-of-care ultrasound has almost become a part of physical examinations due to the rapid responses it offers to the problems of critically ill patients. Numerous studies revealed the important clinical benefits of point-of-care ultrasound use by pediatric intensive care providers. In this review, we aimed to give detailed information about different types of point-of-care ultrasound applications in pediatric intensive care units and wanted to draw attention to the increased use and clinical benefits of this noninvasive and radiation free technique.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 90% of students worldwide were affected by education loss. Moreover, for school-age children and adolescents, there may be worsening of nutrition, increasing mental health disorders, lack of physical activity, and related deleterious consequences raise concerns about negative habits, child violence, and abuse. Face-to-face education in schools provides positive educational opportunities that cannot be achieved with online education. In studies from various countries, children have milder disease, constituting as little as 1-8% of all laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases, with less transmission capacity to household contacts than adults (0.5-7% vs. 10-20%). Symptomatic or asymptomatic children can infect other people less than adults. Also, the transmission of illness between students at school is less than expected, and the transmission of COVID-19 to students is usually acquired from sick adults rather than sick students. Therefore, with suitable measures, infection risk is less than expected and seems not to be higher than in other public places. COVID-19 measures in schools can be summarized as follows avoiding crowded/close contact environments as much as possible, respecting the protective (social) distance, wearing appropriate masks, hand hygiene, and some essential protective measurements of classrooms and environment. Measurements should be participatory (students, teachers, education staff, parents, administration), applicable, sustainable, and flexible according to the conditions. Eltrombopag is recommended for the treatment of refractory immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Based on its half-life, it may be practical to use an intermittent dosage. Our aim was to compare the effectiveness and safety of intermittent vs daily eltrombopag dosage protocols for the treatment of primary ITP refractory to prior therapies. This was a retrospective study, and 34 adult primary ITP patients refractory to prior therapies were included in our analysis. Eltrombopag was used in this study. The patients were divided into daily eltrombopag dosage and intermittent eltrombopag dosage groups. Eltrombopag effectiveness was assessed regarding platelet count and bleeding resolution. Safety was assessed via adverse events reporting. In the daily eltrombopag dosage group, overall response (OR), complete response (CR), partial response (PR), and relapse rates were 69.23%, 53.85%, 15.38%, and 30.77%, respectively. In the intermittent eltrombopag dosage group, OR, CR, PR, and relapse rates were 68.75%, 50%, 18.75%, and 31.