6. The Current time is (in 24 hour format )".$Hour. "_"; if ($Hour <"12") { echo "Good Morning"; } else if ($Hour > = "12" && $Hour<="18") { echo "Good Afternoon"; } else if ($Hour >= "18" && $Hour<="21") { echo 14" Good Evening"; } else if ($Hour > "21" ) { echo "Good night"; } ?> 7. GCD and LCM

GCD And LCM Calculator

GCD is:

LCM is:
8. a=10; $this->b=20; } function add() { $sum =$this->a+$this->b; echo "Addition of a and b is:".$sum; } function __destruct() { echo "
Destruct() function is called"; } function sub() { $sub=$this->a-$this->b; echo "
subtraction of a and b is:".$sub; } } $object1= new ArithmaticOperation(); $object1->add(); $object1->sub(); unset($object1); ?> 9 Lab9.php File1.txt Hii welcome