trapezius descendens, and might lead to an unbalanced loading of intervertebral discs and other structures. These findings are particularly important for athletes and coaches in CrossFit as strenuous rowing intervals are combined with technical exercises with high loads on the back and spine (e.g. power and Olympic lifting) leading to impaired muscular stabilization and potentially to an increased injury risk.The frontoparietal "multiple-demand" (MD) control network plays a key role in goal-directed behavior. Recent developments of multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA) for fMRI data allow for more fine-grained investigations into the functionality and properties of brain systems. In particular, MVPA in the MD network was used to gain better understanding of control processes such as attentional effects, adaptive coding, and representation of multiple taskrelevant features, but overall low decoding levels have limited its use for this network. A common practice of applying MVPA is by investigating pattern discriminability within a ROI using a template mask, thus ensuring that the same brain areas are studied in all participants. This approach offers high sensitivity but does not take into account differences between individuals in the spatial organization of brain regions. An alternative approach uses independent localizer data for each subject to select the most responsive voxels and define individual ROIs within theual ROIs based on the localizers' data, compared with the activity observed when using the group template. In contrast, there was no benefit of the subject-specific ROIs for the multivariate results in the form of increased discriminability, as well as no cost of reduced discriminability. Both univariate and multivariate results were similar in the subject-specific ROIs defined by each of the three localizers. Our results provide important empirical evidence for researchers in the field of cognitive control for the use of individual ROIs in the frontoparietal network for both univariate and multivariate analysis of fMRI data and serve as another step toward standardization and increased comparability across studies.Evaluating multisensory emotional content is a part of normal day-to-day interactions. We used fMRI to examine brain areas sensitive to congruence of audiovisual valence and their overlap with areas sensitive to valence. Twenty-one participants watched audiovisual clips with either congruent or incongruent valence across visual and auditory modalities. We showed that affective congruence versus incongruence across visual and auditory modalities is identifiable on a trial-by-trial basis across participants. Representations of affective congruence were widely distributed with some overlap with the areas sensitive to valence. Regions of overlap included bilateral superior temporal cortex and right pregenual anterior cingulate. The overlap between the regions identified here and in the emotion congruence literature lends support to the idea that valence may be a key determinant of affective congruence processing across a variety of discrete emotions.Hierarchical structure and compositionality imbue human language with unparalleled expressive power and set it apart from other perception-action systems. However, neither formal nor neurobiological models account for how these defining computational properties might arise in a physiological system. I attempt to reconcile hierarchy and compositionality with principles from cell assembly computation in neuroscience; the result is an emerging theory of how the brain could convert distributed perceptual representations into hierarchical structures across multiple timescales while representing interpretable incremental stages of (de) compositional meaning. The model's architecture-a multidimensional coordinate system based on neurophysiological models of sensory processing-proposes that a manifold of neural trajectories encodes sensory, motor, and abstract linguistic states. Gain modulation, including inhibition, tunes the path in the manifold in accordance with behavior and is how latent structure is inferred. As a consequence, predictive information about upcoming sensory input during production and comprehension is available without a separate operation. The proposed processing mechanism is synthesized from current models of neural entrainment to speech, concepts from systems neuroscience and category theory, and a symbolic-connectionist computational model that uses time and rhythm to structure information. I build on evidence from cognitive neuroscience and computational modeling that suggests a formal and mechanistic alignment between structure building and neural oscillations and moves toward unifying basic insights from linguistics and psycholinguistics with the currency of neural computation.Objective The aim of this study was to compare speech reception thresholds in noise measured with the Listening in Spatialised Noise - Universal test (LiSN-U; which requires no English knowledge) with those measured from the relevant conditions of the LiSN - Sentences test (LiSN-S; a test requiring knowledge of English) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. A second aim was to compare the ability of the two tests to detect spatial processing disorder.Design Participants completed audiometry, the LiSN-S, and the LiSN-U.Study sample 90 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged six to 14 years tested in a school setting.Results Strong correlations were found between speech reception thresholds in noise for the two tests. A moderate correlation was found between the difference scores that each test uses to detect spatial processing disorder. Consistent diagnoses of whether a child had spatial processing disorder or not on both tests were found for 72% of children.Conclusions The moderate-to-strong relationships and agreement between diagnoses found for the LiSN-S and LiSN-U show promise for the LiSN-U being used as a tool to investigate spatial processing disorder in children, without requiring the test to use a language familiar to the children being tested.