Sexual selection studies often focus on morphological traits that are important only in the later stages of mate acquisition. Comparatively little is known about traits that lead to mate acquisition, such as mate-searching activities. We experimentally manipulated body condition (i.e., the energy reserves) in male puff adders (Bitis arietans) prior to the mating season using supplemental feeding in the field, and used radio-telemetry and DNA paternity analyses to characterize the relationships between male energy reserves, mating activities, and reproductive success. We found that male mobility is a strongly sexually selected trait because males that travelled further in search of females have higher female encounter rates and reproductive success. However, supplemental feeding did not have a significant effect on mating activities or reproductive success, because control snakes compensated by foraging more often during the mating season. The time invested in foraging by control snakes did not come at the costs of decreased mating activities or opportunity compared to fed snakes, because the latter spent the spare time resting. Our experimental field research directly demonstrates the link between male mobility and reproductive success, identifying the ultimate mechanism leading to the evolution of prolonged male mate-searching activities in snakes, and indicates that male puff adders, presumed capital breeders, adjust their breeding tactics according to resource availability.Sexual need fulfillment in a relationship is associated with both partners' sexual and relationship quality. In the current research, we explored what underlies two approaches to sexual need fulfillment-sexual communal norms (i.e., being motivated to meet a partner's sexual needs) and sexual exchange norms (i.e., tracking and trading sexual benefits). People high in attachment avoidance are less responsive to their partner's needs and distance