iSystemic C. septicum infection without a traumatic cause has been associated with malignancy, although an initial presentation of endophthalmitis has rarely been reported. In cases of clostridial endogenous endophthalmitis, investigation for colorectal carcinoma is indicated. While atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is affecting growing numbers of patients, lipid-lowering therapies have been continuously improving to achieve prevention of cardiovascular events. Thus, the appearance of a novel therapeutic class, PCSK9 inhibitors, has raised both high expectations as well as concern over possible adverse effects. This current review aims to analyze adverse events of special interest linked to PCSK9 inhibitors and give recommendations regarding further conduct when dealing with patients on this therapy. The most stringent adverse effect, neurocognitive impairment has been investigated in several studies, concluding that PCSK9 inhibitors neither improved nor worsened cognitive function. While new onset diabetes mellitus has also been a cause of concern due to its possible association with lipid lowering therapies, studies conducted so far have dispelled this possibility by showing that PCSK9 inhibitors do not increase this risk. Also, statin-associated muscle symptoms have not been proven to arise after the use of PCSK9 inhibitors, even in statin-intolerant patients. In conclusion, it can be safely stated that so far, no compelling evidence links PCSK9 inhibitors to these adverse events; however, long-term trials are always welcome to further assess potential adverse effects. In conclusion, it can be safely stated that so far, no compelling evidence links PCSK9 inhibitors to these adverse events; however, long-term trials are always welcome to further assess potential adverse effects.Varicella outbreaks were mainly reported in developed regions with high vaccine coverage, but not in undeveloped areas. It is still not clear that whether the published data of varicella epidemiology could reflect the reality in China or not. In 2019, 657 subjects from People's Hospital of Chongqing Youyang County were included. Anti-varicella-zoster virus (VZV) IgG antibodies were determined by ELISA. The anti-VZV IgG levels were categorized as positive when values were ≥100 mIU/mL. Our results showed that the rates of anti-VZV IgG seropositivity (χ2 = 328.957, P 3 m- less then 7 y age were susceptible to VZV. The proportion of subjects with natural infection-induced immunity increased with age. Nearly all subjects over 40 ages had positive anti-VZV IgG antibodies, which proved that they were infected by this virus in the past. These results suggested that VarV should be included in the national immunization program in China.The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends antenatal influenza vaccination (AIV) for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy. This study assessed fundamental aspects of AIV acceptance and demand among key stakeholders in urban Pune, India. Semi-structured interviews for rapid ethnographic assessment of AIV-related awareness, priorities, and practices were used to study clinicians and their communities of practice. A qualitative survey was conducted among 16 private clinicians providing antenatal care (ANC) in slum and middle-class areas of Pune. Following the survey, clinicians were informed about authoritative AIV recommendations. A qualitative community survey was also conducted with 60 women aged 20-35 years and 30 spouses from the same slum and middle-class practice areas of the ANC providers. Subsequently, a second clinician survey was conducted to assess changes in clinicians' awareness, priority, and vaccination practice. After this interview, clinicians were informed of community survey findings. Most community respondents were unaware of AIV, in contrast with well-known and widely used antenatal tetanus vaccination. They expressed confidence in vaccines and trust in the clinicians. Clinicians' advice was reportedly the most important determinant of community vaccine acceptance. Clinicians were confident of the safety of AIV and they anticipated patients' acceptance if recommended. The second clinician interview showed increased awareness of AIV policy, but clinicians were more skeptical about the severity of maternal influenza in their practice. Our findings indicate community acceptance though not demand for AIV. We recommend five essential elements for vaccination program strategies to improve coverage with AIV and other ANC vaccines.Purpose Deficiencies in swallowing (aspiration) and in maximum vocal pitch elevation have been shown to correlate in dysphagia. However, the underlying mechanisms that may explain this relationship are not known. In this study, we compare hyoid kinematics between swallowing and maximum vocal pitch elevation in healthy adults. Method Ten young (M = 21 ± 1.33 years) and eight older (M = 72.85 ± 5.59 years) healthy adults completed trials of maximum vocal pitch elevation (vowels /a/ and /i/) and swallowing (thin liquid and pudding) under videofluoroscopy. Superior and anterior hyoid excursions were obtained using kinematic analysis. Two-way analyses of variance and Spearman rho correlations were used to examine differences and relationships between swallowing and maximum pitch elevation biomechanics. Results Superior hyoid excursion was significantly greater for liquid swallows compared to pitch elevation tasks (/a/ and /i/; p = .002; Cohen's d = 1.28; p = .0179, Cohen's d = 1.03, respectively) and for pudding swallows compared to pitch tasks (p = .000, Cohen's d = 1.64; p = .001, Cohen's d = 1.38, respectively). Anterior hyoid excursion was not significantly different between the two functions, but was overall reduced in the older group (p = .0231, Cohen's d = .90). Furthermore, there was a moderate positive correlation between the degree of superior excursion during liquid swallows and maximum pitch elevation for both vowels (rs = .601, p = .001; rs = .524, p = .003) in young adults, and between the degree of anterior excursion during liquid swallows and pitch elevation for both vowels (rs = .688, p = .001; rs = .530, p = .008) in older adults. Conclusions Swallowing and maximum pitch elevation require similar anterior, but not superior, hyoid excursion in healthy adults. Differential correlations between the two tasks for each age group may be associated with age-related muscle changes. We provide evidence of partially shared biomechanics between swallowing and maximum pitch elevation.