Premature infants are at risk for developing symptomatic postnatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease, including sepsis-like syndrome. We performed a retrospective case-control study including infants born before 32 weeks of gestation and diagnosed with symptomatic postnatal CMV infection during the neonatal period. Neurodevelopmental outcome was evaluated using the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development 2001 at 18 months of corrected age and at 3 years of age. Twenty-four infants were diagnosed with postnatal CMV infection; of them, 14 had sepsis-like symptoms and 10 had laboratory test abnormalities only. Home oxygen therapy was used significantly higher in the CMV-positive group compared with the control group at hospital discharge (52% vs 21%, P=0.032). The incidence of neurodevelopmental impairment was not significantly different between the two groups at 18 months of corrected age (29% vs 17%, P=0.48) and at 3 years of age (43% vs 29%, P=0.34). Postnatal CMV infection did not have a significant influence on neurodevelopmental outcomes of symptomatic preterm infants, although those in the CMV-positive group appeared worse. Larger studies with long-term follow-up are needed for a better understanding of continued neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants with postnatal CMV infection.In 2018, we conducted a study on 121 ethics review committee offices in Japan to examine the state of "central review" in non-interventional studies and discern any challenges regarding its introduction. Of the 452 offices that were invited to participate, 121 responded (26.8% response rate), and 35 (28.9%) had records of furnishing contracting agreements with ethical reviews by other research institutions. The merits of central reviewing include easing the burden on ethics review committees, improving the quality level and consistency of ethical reviews, and enhancing the efficiency in conducting them. The demerits include increased administrative overheads and work for researchers, such as preparing application forms and checking institutional requirements, and a lack of clarity regarding who is responsible for conducting the research, which makes it is less desirable for institutions to have their own ethics review committees. This study revealed that the comprehensive introduction of central review in non-interventional studies continues to encounter many hurdles, and promoting central review requires overcoming these challenges one at a time. The Ethical Guidelines for Medical and Health Research Involving Human Subjects will be revised in 2021 to require central review as a part of ethical reviews for non-interventional studies. In the future, central reviews of non-interventional studies will need to be of high quality and conducted efficiently, and this will require research institutions to utilize relevant central review guidelines and checklists.The increasing burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is a major public health concern in Palau. This study aims to identify social and psychological factors related to NCDs among Palauan people using a qualitative approach. We conducted eight key informant interviews and eight focus group discussions, which were audio-recorded, transcribed and translated into English. Ideas of the respondents were extracted and labeled, and the labels were analyzed using an inductive multistage approach referred to as qualitative content analysis. Three themes emerged (1) home education, (2) traditional local community, and (3) modernization and westernization of lifestyle. Respondents believed that the influence of the family on lifestyle was significant, but that disciplining children at home had become difficult. They considered that the traditional lifestyle was mostly healthy, and were reluctant to abandon certain unhealthy customs, such as serving abundant food to guests as a sign of fraternity. They also thought that they overate because of their stressful modernized lifestyle. This is the first qualitative study to analyze perception and behavior of the Palauan people in relation to NCDs. We found that the increase in NCDs was related to two concurrent trends preserving certain traditional customs unfavorable to good health, and abandoning time-consuming healthy traditional lifestyle to adopt a modernized one. We also found that Palauan people were not confident in their ability to prevent NCDs. Therefore, health promotion activities should be designed to empower people to make positive changes.Distribution of radiation by C-arm cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the angiographic suite and effectiveness of protection devices were assessed. CBCT image of a human phantom was obtained by a rotation of 220 degrees during 8 seconds of exposure. One hundred and twelve dosimeters were placed at different positions around the beam entry site, and color maps of dose distributions were drawn for horizontal and vertical planes. The measurements showed the highest radiation dose over 600 μGy by a single CBCT image acquisition at a distance of 60 cm from the beam entry site and a height of 90 cm from the floor. The color maps demonstrated the dose distribution to be more intense at the bilateral directions of the phantom. With the use of a ceiling-mounted transparent lead-acryl screen and a table-suspended lead curtain, the doses were reduced by 45-92 % at a direction of 210 degrees and a distance of 120 cm.Corynebacterium simulans was first reported in 2000. Its characteristics such as isolation frequency, specimen types, and antimicrobial susceptibilities are poorly understood, because identification is difficult using conventional methods. We performed a retrospective observational study of 13 and 317 strains of C. simulans and C. striatum, respectively, isolated from consecutive patients at Nagoya University Hospital from January 2017 to December 2018. We analyzed patients' backgrounds, types of specimens, and antimicrobial susceptibilities. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were compared with those of C. striatum. The frequencies of isolation of C. simulans and C. striatum were 3.9% and 96%, respectively. C. simulans was not detected in specimens associated with mucous membranes, such as sputum and secretions from the craniocervical region, which were frequent for C. striatum. C. simulans was mainly detected in the skin (61.5%). All C. simulans isolates were susceptible to anti-MRSA drugs, as well as to numerous other antibiotics, including those that are orally administered.