Taken together, NVD-BM was identified as a tumor suppressor in malignant melanoma, and we established a dual-input biosensor to promote cancer cell regression, via Akt1/NF-κB signaling. Our results demonstrate the potential therapeutic effects of cholesterol 7-desaturase in melanoma metabolism, and provides insights for genetic circuits targeting 7-dehydrocholesterol accumulation in tumors. In an ageing society, community-based medical education in a home care setting needs to be developed. Drawing on Kolb's experiential learning theory, this study aimed to explore the learning processes in overnight home care by medical trainees in terms of their understanding of terminally ill patients and their conceptualization of themselves as future physicians. An overnight home care program in which a trainee had to take care of terminally ill patients on his/her own under the supervision of a healthcare team was conducted. Nineteen trainees, including eight medical students and 11 residents, participated in this study. Text data of reflective reports written after the overnight care were collected and thematically analyzed. The trainees' learning experiences in the program were categorized into four stages predeparture, concrete experience, reflective observation and abstract conceptualization. Although they had mixed feelings, including anxiety, fear and expectations, at the predeparture stage, they could be actively involved in providing medical care and daily life support and in taking care of dying patients at the patients' homes overnight. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/OSI-906.html By reflecting on their experiences, they gained a sense of achievement and identified the aspects upon which they should improve as future physicians. Subsequently, based on their reflective observation, they conceptualized their approaches to home care and the roles/responsibilities of physicians as healers, which led to professional identity formation. Overnight home care by medical trainees has the potential as an educational strategy to promote their realistic understanding of home care and facilitate professional identity formation. Overnight home care by medical trainees has the potential as an educational strategy to promote their realistic understanding of home care and facilitate professional identity formation.Objectives Contemporary fear-avoidance models of chronic pain posit that fear of pain, and overgeneralization of fear to non-threatening stimuli is a potential pathway to chronic pain. While increasing experimental evidence supports this hypothesis, a comprehensive investigation requires testing in multiple modalities due to the diversity of symptomatology among individuals with chronic pain. In the present study we used an established tactile fear conditioning paradigm as an experimental model of allodynia and spontaneous pain fluctuations, to investigate whether stimulus generalization occurs resulting in fear of touch spreading to new locations. Methods In our paradigm, innocuous touch is presented either paired (predictable context) or unpaired (unpredictable context) with a painful electrocutaneous stimulus (pain-US). In the predictable context, vibrotactile stimulation to the index or little finger was paired with the pain-US (CS+), whilst stimulation of the other finger was never paired with pain (CS-)e CS1 and CS2. As in our previous study, we did not observe differential acquisition in the startle responses. Conclusions Whilst our findings for the acquisition of fear of touch replicate the results from our previous study (Biggs et al., 2017), there was no evidence of fear generalization. We discuss the limitations of the present study, with a primary focus on procedural issues that were further investigated with post-hoc analyses, concluding that the present results do not show support for the hypothesis that stimulus generalization underlies spreading of fear of touch to new locations, and discuss how this may be the consequence of a context change that prevented transfer of acquisition.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease characterized by neuroinflammation, demyelination and axonal degeneration along with loss of function in the central nervous system. For many years, research in MS has focused on the efficacy of pharmacological treatments. However, during the last years, many publications have been dedicated to the study of the efficacy of non-pharmacological strategies, such as physical exercise and cognitive training. Beneficial effects of the combination of both strategies on cognitive function have been described in both ageing adults and patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as MS. The analysis of combining both physical and cognitive stimulation can be summarized by the environmental enrichment (EE) experiments, which are more suitable for animal models. EE refers to housing conditions consisting of exercise and cognitive and social stimulation. In this review, we will summarize the available studies that describe the influence of EE in both MS patients and MS animal models.Objectives This research aims to analyse the relationship between urine mercury levels and neurological problems. Methods This research is an observational study with a cross-sectional approach. There are 44 goldsmiths in the gold jewellery small scale industry involved in this study. Urine mercury levels were measured using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Neurological problems were assessed by a medician. Data collected includes age, time of exposure, work duration, smoking behaviour and nutrition status of the goldsmiths which were obtained by interview. Results The results showed that the concentration of mercury in the goldsmith's urine was around 0.93-64.59 μg/L. The analysis showed that there were 63% of goldsmiths experiencing neurological problems, such as tremors (9.1%) and knee pass reflex (6.8%). The bivariate analysis showed that there is no significant relationship between the concentration of mercury (p=0.133), age (p=0.155), time of exposure (p=0.702), time of working (p=0.354), smoking behaviour (p=0.169) and nutrition status (p=0.541) with neurological problems. Conclusions The goldsmiths who had high levels of mercury in urine samples were diagnosed with at least one of the neurological symptoms. It is recommended that the goldsmith use personal protective equipment during work such as mask, glasses and gloves.